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Using cross-border mobility in vocational education and training in the Greater Region SaarLorLux region
This book chapter analyses the diversity of cross-border vocational and educational education in the Greater Region.
youthmobilitycross-border Vocational and Educational Training -VETIBA Basel
IBA Basel has established itself as an original tool for cross-border planning and has demonstrated the considerable versatility that this type of tool was meant to offer.
International Bauausstellungcross-border planningSustainable developmentattractivité territorialeterritorial attractivenessTechnoecologies of Borders : Thinking with Borders as Multispecies Matters of Care
Borders and bordering processes affect not only humans, but their environment and co-species as well. This calls for a broadened border perspective that accounts for human-environmental entanglements and that engages in an ethico-political practice of (more-than-human) care and solidarity.
Féminismesolidaritythinking with bordersrefugeesBorder controlFélix GuattariConversation and Commentary : Feminist Border Theories – Expanding our Perspectives
In short commentaries, the six authors discuss their perspectives on the relation between borders, gender, in-and exclusion and offer an integration of feminist and border theories for a better understanding of the complexities of borders.
Feminist theoryBorder theoryintersectionalityGenderotheringIdentityMigrationsolidarityPlace-making and the bordering of urban space: Interpreting the emergence of new neigh-bourhoods in Berlin and Budapest
In the context of urban development, urban borders emerge through socio-spatial practices of differentiation and out of place-making processes and contribute to the creation of specific place idea(l)s and identities.
borderingurban bordersplaceplace-makingUrban development« Je travaille au Luxembourg », effets frontières et transformations du travail et de l’emploi dans la Grande Région.
The article reviews the different theoretical and scientific approaches to studying border working in the Greater Region and elsewhere. The author identifies three different families of approaches, each highlighting phenomena specific to cross-border working. This theoretical pathway also serves as a pretext for reiterating the importance of establishing common multi-disciplinary approaches to better address the complexity of cross-border phenomena.
Border effectsborder workingtransformation of work and employmentArizona State University - School of Transborder Studies
Arizona State University's School for Transborder Studies offers university and interdisciplinary courses specialised in the study of issues relating to the US-Mexican border.
University teachingResearchuniversity trainingBorder studiesLatin American populationsUS-Mexican borderIdentities and Methodologies of Border Studies: Recent Empirical and Conceptual Approaches
In recent decades, Border Studies have gained importance. So far, however, little attention has been paid to questions about the self-perception and methodological foundations of Border Studies. This thematic issue brings together articles that address and deal with these desiderata.
Border studiesBoundariesMéthodologiesethnographicpracticeMigrationBorders and cross-border labor markets : opportunities and challenges
The work presented in this Thematic Issue aims to contribute to analysis of cross-border labor markets, their institutions and the practices of actors in a cross-border context. The various chapters provide a better understanding of the functioning of cross-border labor markets in all their complexity.
Cross-border labor marketsGreater Region SaarLorLuxFormation in Cross-border contexttrade uniondaily mobilityactivity cyclesMarché du travail transfrontalier : quelles équations à résoudre ?
This issue 2 of the Cahiers de la Grande Région journal analyses the growing imbalance in the cross-border labour market. It addresses the following themes: jobs where demand outstrips supply, remote working, the most sought-after skills, economic growth.
Labour marketcross-border workingremote workingjob offerslabour demandskillsgrowthLuxembourgStratégies et adaptations des acteurs du commerce intégré en territoires frontaliers
This article looks at the location strategies and adaptations of the retail chains in the border areas in the 3 countries studied, which are densely populated and where the purchasing power of domestic and foreign consumers is high.
FrontièredyadeDiscontinuitécross-border traderetail chainretail locationcompetitionWege zu einer grenzüberschreitenden deutsch-französischen Fremdsprachendidaktik. État des lieux, enjeux, perspectives.
This volume deals with the specificities of foreign language learning and teaching in German-French border regions and discusses, with the help of different examples, the existing potential and challenges.
Teaching methodologyforeign language teachingborder areacultural educationSaar-Lor-LuxSealing Borders ? Rethinking Border Studies in Hard Times
Sandro Mezzadra proposes a study of borders in motion that pays attention to the violent connections between processes of global capitalism, differential inclusion, and the struggles of migrants and refugees in their often lethal attempts to cross (sea) borders.
Migrationborder mobilityBorder-crossingviolenceMediterranean borderlogistical turnBorder Experiences in Europe. Everyday Life - Working Life - Communication – Languages
The book provides insights into life realities in Europe where borders are (made) relevant. The authors address everyday cultural border experiences in the context of migration and mobility forms as well as language contact situations.
borderBoundariesCommunicationIdentitymobilityMediadiscourseborderMultilingualismUniGR-CBS-Arbeitsgruppe „Bordertextures“
The UniGR-CBS Border Textures working group is continuing to develop cultural Border Studies. To do so it practises an approach that explores the symbolic-social dimension of borders from popular, high and everyday cultural angles.
borderBoundariesCultural studiesBorder theoryMethodologyborder texturesComplexityartsliterature