Wege zu einer grenzüberschreitenden deutsch-französischen Fremdsprachendidaktik. État des lieux, enjeux, perspectives.

Wege zu einer grenzüberschreitenden deutsch-französischen Fremdsprachendidaktik. État des lieux, enjeux, perspectives.

Border Region
Upper Rhine Trinational Metropolitan Region, Saarland-Lorraine-Luxembourg

This volume deals with the specificities of foreign language learning and teaching in German-French border regions and discusses, with the help of different examples, the existing potential and challenges.


Border areas are spaces for exchanges and networking – cultural, linguistic, historical and economic. The latest research on the teaching and learning of neighbour languages in the German-French border regions of SaarLorLux and the Upper Rhine shows the important role of border regions as laboratories for European integration.  The articles in this collection address a wide range of aspects of the academic debate around cross-border issues in foreign language teaching.  It therefore contributes not only to a deeper scientific debate on this complex topic, but also provides inspiration for a greater integration of the border (area)-related educational aspects of (language) teaching on both sides of the border.


The editor's extensive introduction provides a summary of all the significant models, concepts and contributions to cross-border German-French modern language teaching methodology. The other articles in the collection address different aspects connected to the cross-border issue in modern language teaching and seek, on the one hand, to broaden the scholarly debate on the topic and, on the other, to give some suggestions for a greater integration of border (area)-related educational aspects of teaching.

Various examples of existing cross-border initiatives in education are considered: first, an integrated French-German teacher training course in the field of primary education is presented as a successful model for enhanced cross-border modern language teaching. Graduates of this course are qualified to teach in Baden-Württemberg elementary schools as well as in bilingual classes in Alsace. Another article is devoted to multilingual education in early childhood and presents different models of bilingual daycare in the Upper Rhine area, among others.

It goes on to identify particular challenges in foreign language learning and teaching in border areas; based on empirical data the importance of teachers' attitudes and approaches in their teaching is emphasised. In this context the role of initial and continued teacher training is stressed, beginning with pre-school and nursery school. Here enhanced intercultural and inter-regional competencies are advocated to enable better exchanges. In the higher education field more intensive border (area)-related educational research is required to drive future cooperation.  In the school sector a concrete example of enhancing historical awareness by means of a series of German-French history schoolbooks is discussed.
The book concludes with a critical reflection on the concept of the border and new insights from the field of language contact research.

Table of contents:

  • CLAUDIA POLZIN-HAUMANN/JULIA PUTSCHE/CHRISTINA REISSNER: Wege zu einer grenzüberschreitenden deutsch-französischen Fremdsprachendidaktik. (Towards a cross-border German-French language teaching methodology) Current situation, challenges, perspectives
  • ANEMONE GEIGER-JAILLET: Bilinguale Kindertageseinrichtungen als Labor Europas: Sprachliche Bereicherung oder Kulturschock? (Bilingual daycare facilities as a laboratory for Europe: linguistic enrichment or culture shock?)
  • JÜRGEN MICHAEL SCHULZ: Wege zu einem gemeinsamen europäischen Geschichtsbewusstsein? Zur Bedeutung der deutsch-französischen Lehrbuchreihe Histoire/Geschichte für den mehrsprachigen Sachfachunterricht in der Grenzregion (Towards a common European historical awareness? On the significance of a series of German-French history schoolbooks for multilingual subject teaching in border regions)
  • JULIA MONTEMAYOR GRACIA/VERA NEUSIUS: „Das ist doch keine Sprache!“ – Perzeptive Varietätenlinguistik und metasprachliche Reflexionen Romanistikstudierender in der Grenzregion (That's not a language! - Percceptive variational linguistics and metalinguistic reflections of Romance language students in the border region)
  • CHLOÉ FAUCOMPRÉ: „L’allemand c’est pas juste pour aller faire des courses“ : tenir compte des représentations des élèves et des enseignants pour concrétiser une approche didactique transfrontalière ("German is not just for shopping": taking account of pupils' and teachers' representations to build a cross-border teaching approach)
  • DOMINIQUE MACAIRE: La didactique du plurilinguisme dans une région frontalière entre France et Allemagne en tensions (The didactics of multilingualism in a border region between France and Germany subject to tensions)
  • KARIN DIETRICH-CHÉNEL/CLARA FRITZ: 18 Jahre Cursus Intégré – Bedingungen für das Gelingen (18 years of integrated education - Conditions for success)
  • SABINE EHRHART: Grenzregion und Fremdsprachendidaktik, auf ewig ein Paar? (Border region and foreign language teaching, forever together?)

The volume provides an overview and a critical reflection on the current situation of foreign language teaching especially in the border regions of Saar-Lor-Lux and the Upper Rhine Trinational Metropolitan Region. It focuses especially on the teaching of the respective neighbour languages.

In addition to the language policy and curricular frameworks, concrete examples from a full range of educational settings (pre-school education, primary and secondary school, higher education) are discussed and critically examined. The importance of the initial and continuing training of staff, e.g. childcare workers and teachers, is emphasised and the enhancement of intercultural and inter-regional competencies as part of initial and advanced training is recommended. Furthermore, a strengthening of research in the field of border (area) teaching is also advocated. This is considered as a fundamental contribution to cross-border cooperation in a variety of fields, such as science, education, politics and the job market.

In addition the basic theoretical and terminological principles are considered and traditional terminology, especially the notion of foreign language, challenged. The concept of a cross-border language teaching methodology is promoted.

Key Messages

As spaces for exchanges, border areas have an important role to play in the process of European integration.  The academic debate on the German-French border regions of SaarLorLux and the Upper Rhine considered here shows that they are laboratories for European convergence. (Foreign) language teaching assumes particular importance in border regions; it must meet the specific requirements of the respective border areas. The volume provides inspiration for a greater integration of the border (area)-related educational aspects of language in border areas.  The examples from the German-French border areas can serve as examples for other European border areas.


Claudia Polzin-Haumann, Julia Putsche, Christina Reissner 


Universität des Saarlandes, Université de Strasbourg, Universität Trier, Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Université de Lorraine, Université du Luxembourg

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Date of creation

978-3-86110-736-1 ; 3-86110-736-8