Massimiliano Livi

PD DR. DR. Massimiliano Livi

University of Trier


M. Livi

Workshop Migration / Integration / Region

The subject of the workshop led by Massimiliano Livi (Trier University) on 5 April at the University of Lorraine in Metz was the relationship and complex interactions between migration, integration and region. After the opening talk given by Dr Livi, "Overcoming thinking about borders? The employment market and regional integration", four other guest speakers gave talks illustrating the subject with empirical examples. "The guests [Dr Alexander Kraus/Michael Siems (Wolfsburg), Dr Anna Marsden (Prato), Dr Christoph Lorke (Münster) and Dr Kurt Gritsch (Basel)] form the core of a network that I have been able to strengthen thanks to the Chair," explains the historian, adding "At the CEGIL (The Intercultural German Studies Centre of Lorraine) at the University of Lorraine in Metz, I have been able to work together with Professors Reiner Marcowitz and Françoise Lartillot on my research topic "The dynamic local process of negotiation on migration and integration in the Greater Region since the 1970s" and to exchange with them in person".

During the workshop, today's migratory flows and the transfer and orientation functions linked to society and politics were addressed from the integration perspective. The role of history was also discussed. To summarise, the aim is to analyse the local, regional and cross-border realities that play a central role in understanding integration processes, both at local level and gloabally.

The audience were mainly students and PhD students from the CEGIL. The results of the workshop are published in the journal "Geschichte und Region/Storia e Regione" 28 (2/2019):

Migration | Region | Integration - migrazione | regione | integrazione, ed. Massimiliano Livi, Geschichte und Region/Storia e regione 28 (2/2019), 2, ISSN 1121-0303 >> More information