UniGR-Center for Border Studies (UniGR-CBS)

UniGR-Center for Border Studies (UniGR-CBS)

Border Region
Saarland, Lorraine, Luxemburg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Wallonia, Greater Region, SaarLorLux, Europe

The UniGR-Center for Border Studies is a network of researchers from the University of the Greater Region (UniGR) who conduct research on border area issues. These include the universities of Saarland, Trier, Kaiserslautern, Lorraine, Luxembourg, and Liège.


The UniGR Center for Border Studies (UniGR-CBS) is a thematic scientific network in the Greater Region. The participating researchers from the six partner universities of the grouping “University of the Greater Region – UniGR” study border dynamics and developments in border regions. A special focus is set on the borders and areas of the Greater Region.

The UniGR-CBS started its work in 2014 and is active in the following fields:

Research: The border researchers examine socio-economic and socio-cultural issues from a cross-border and comparative perspective. They are organised in interregional working groups along thematic focuses and develop solutions for challenges in border regions as well as contributions to fundamental border research. One of them is GRETI (Groupement de Recherches Transfrontalières Interdisciplinaires).

Teaching: The border researchers cooperate in the training of students and doctoral candidates. In addition to joint doctoral supervision in the field of border research, they have been offering the trinational “UniGR Master in Border Studies” since 2017. This cross-border study programme organised at four UniGR universities offers a specialisation in spatial studies or a specialisation in cultural and linguistic studies and provides students with a European profile.

Networking: The border researchers cooperate with each other as well as with international partners. The joint implementation of research and networking projects strengthens cooperation and increases the supra-regional visibility of the UniGR-CBS. In addition to research stays and seminars, this includes involvement in international networks of cross-border actors and border researchers.

Regional actors: Together with regional actors, border researchers identify socio-economic and socio-cultural challenges of the Greater Region and develop practice-oriented solutions. They actively shape the spatial development of the Greater Region and organise events for the exchange and transfer of knowledge between politics, administration and science.

Online resources of the UniGR-CBS:

UniGR-CBS Digital Knowledge and Documentation Center

UniGR-CBS Digital Glossary

UniGR-CBS Publication Series

UniGR-CBS BorderObs

UniGR-CBS Border Gallery 

Since 2018, the UniGR-CBS has been implementing the Interreg VA Greater Region project “European Center for Competence and Knowledge in Border Studies”, which is funded by the ERDF.
Thus, it has become the first interdisciplinary competence centre in the Greater Region.

Further information

UniGR-CBS Website

UniGR-CBS Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn channel

UniGR-CBS Newsletter and monthly information letter

GRETI (Groupement de Recherches Transfrontalières Interdisciplinaires)


Network UniGR-Center for Border Studies
Head of the coordination office: Christian Wille

Interreg VA Greater Region project „European Center of Competence and Knowledge in Border Studies (UniGR-Center for Border Studies)“
Head of project: Frédérique Seidel, University of the Greater Region a.s.b.l.
Academic coordination: Christian Wille, University of Luxemburg

Author of the entry

Cooperation partner of the UniGR-Center for Border Studies

  • Saarland University
  • University of Trier 
  • University of Kaiserslautern 
  • University of Lorraine 
  • University of Luxembourg
  • University of Liège
  • University of the Greater Region

Université du Luxembourg
Campus Belval | Maison des Sciences Humaines
Poste de coordination du UniGR-Center for Border Studies
c/o Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning
11, Porte des Sciences
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette

Contact Person(s)
Date of creation