The UniGR-CBS is an Interdisciplinary Center of Expertise of the University of the Greater Region (UniGR) and combines the expertise of the border researchers of its partner universities. It has been shaping the Greater Region since 2014 and works across borders and border spaces in Europe and beyond. The involved border researchers investigate socioeconomic and sociocultural issues and provide practice-oriented solutions for challenges in border regions.
- New book release – Resituating CrisisIn their recently published book, editors Lola Aubry (UniGR-CBS) and Dorte Jagetic Andersen (Centre for Border Region Studies) bring together 14 contributions that ethnographically examine and…
- New UniGR-CBS Working Paper – Towards a New Departure in Border Studies? A Comment on the Increasing Talk of ComplexityThe idea of borders as a complex phenomenon is now established in border studies. However, there is still little discussion of what exactly can be considered complex about borders, and there are…
- Lecture – The political agency of terrain in borderingThis lecture explores the conception of borders as a process co-constituted by the entanglement and interaction of multiple material entities, whether human or non-human…
- New publication – Cultural Border StudiesWith the implementation of cultural studies perspectives on borders, the spectrum of border studies has broadened considerably. This is reflected not only in the research questions and objects but…
- Lecture – Eco-frontiers, or the very nature of borders of nature (conservation)What is the process that motivates humans to conquer a boundless, timeless and invaluable wilderness to serve their own political interests in control and territory…
- Lecture – Selective fencing at Denmark’s biological, politico-geographical, and genomic ‘borders’This lecture tracks the regulation of the border crossings of pigs and people in and out of Denmark and makes an argument for investigating under one lens the biological…