Network Meeting on Spatial Development

The network meetings on spatial development create an exchange platform for cross-border spatial development between the scientists of the UniGR-CBS and the regional actors, the REKGR project, the MEA (Luxembourg Ministry of Energy and Regional Planning) and planning practitioners. This is intended to ensure that the cooperation is continued in a sustainable manner and that the spatial development of the Greater Region continues to be scientifically accompanied.

This interregional meeting of the spatial planning actors offers the opportunity to jointly make future-oriented considerations. This includes in particular obstacles, negative spatial trends as well as necessary instruments to meet the challenges with foresight. The aim is to achieve the spatial planning specific objectives of the Greater Region by 2050, which are consistent with a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, especially in the transport sector. These are the goals of reducing further land use (no more new urbanization without compensation at the level of the Greater Region) and to achieve the share of public transport in the daily modal split of about 30% through a cross-border transit oriented development policy.