Cooperation project – The return of imperial borders?

The cooperation project, at the crossroads of geographical and historical border studies, aims to provide a better understanding of the specificity of imperial border regimes, their logics and functioning in contrasting them to national bordering practices. This explicit look at history is intended to lend reflexive depth to current discussions on the return of imperial borders.

Russia's aggressive policy in Ukraine, but also the expansionist aspirations of other powers in a new multipolar world, raise the question of parallels with past forms of imperial domination of territory. They invite us to sharpen the conceptual instruments and to question the differences between past and present imperial border regimes. To this extent, the study day brings together perspectives on historical and current bordering practices in imperial contexts.

Study day, 4-6/11/2024
The Return of Imperial Borders? Practices, Representations, Contestations
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Frankfurt am Main)

Call for Paper (in German and French) 

Organized by the UniGR-Center for Border Studies (UniGR-CBS) and Institut franco-allemand de sciences historiques et sociales (IFRA-SHS) supported by EURETES « Faire société »

Project partners
Falk Bretschneider (École des hautes études en sciences sociales Paris, IFRA-SHS)
Grégory Hamez (Université de Lorraine, UniGR-CBS)
Christian Wille (University of Luxembourg, UniGR-CBS)