Alina Mozolevska

Alina Mozolevska

Université d’Etat Petro Mohyla de la mer Noire à Mykolaïv

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From April to May 2022, Alina Mozolevska worked at the University of Saarland as part of a two-month scholarship granted by our Interreg V A Greater Region project. The language and literature specialist from Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University in Mykolayev is a professor at the Philological Institute and specializes in cultural border studies, media studies, critical discourse analysis and textual linguistics. Alina Mozolevska is also already familiar with the UniGR-CBS, especially through the German-Ukrainian cooperation project "Borderland Stories" ( with the participation of students of the Master in Border Studies, for which she was scientific leader in 2021.