Migratory movements and borders: between regulation and integration

14/03/2019, 16:00, Maison de la Grande Région (Greater Region House)

Ever since the 19th century, migratory movements have always played a fundamental role in the upheavals in a Greater Region marked by its borders. The Schengen Agreement facilitated freedom of movement within Europe, but shifted the issue of mobility to the outer edges of the EU. The international tensions linked to terrorism, conflicts and mass immigration, which have led to a rethinking of the conditions of entry into Europe, raise a string of questions. To what extent does the tightening of border controls have any bearing on migration?  How is migration regulated and what are the social, economic and political consequences?

Panel discussion participants

Sevim Taşçı (Saarland Integration department)
Fatima Mezzouj (Director of the French Office for Immigration and Integration)
Yves Schmidt (Director of CARITAS Luxembourg)
Yvan Gastaut (University of Nice -  URMIS Laboratory)
Massimiliano Livi (University of Trier)
Moderator: Birte Nienaber (University of Luxembourg)

Forum GR 3

Forum  GR 3

Forum GR 3

Brief report (available in German and French)

  • German - Birte Nienaber, Piero Galloro : Migration und Grenzen: zwischen Regulierung und Integration. Kurzbericht zum 3. Forum Großregion. UniGR-Center for Border Studies. Download
  • French - Birte Nienaber, Piero Galloro : Migrations et frontières : entre régulation et intégration. Rapport Synthétique du 3ème Forum Grande Région. UniGR-Center for Border Studies. Download

Follow-up report
3rd Greater Region Forum of the UniGR-CBS: Migration, Borders & Integration: The 3rd Greater Region Forum addresses the urgent societal challenges. Download

Press coverage
Migrationsbewegungen und Grenzen: Zwischen Regulierung und Integration. 3. Forum Großregion stellt sich den akuten gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen (Eddy Thor), in: www.diegrenzgaenger.lu (04.04.2019). More information

Birte Nienaber (Universität Luxemburg)

This panel discussion was organised by the University of Luxembourg (Birte Nienaber) and the University of Lorraine (Piero Galloro).