BOTEX – Bordertexturen: ein Ansatz der kulturwissenschaftlichen Border Studies (Buchprojekt)

BOTEX – Bordertexturen: ein Ansatz der kulturwissenschaftlichen Border Studies (Buchprojekt)

Border Region
Different territorial and metaphoric spaces

The book project develops the “border texture” approach based on cultural sciences as a contribution to complex research on the theme of borders from different angles.


There is significant renewed interest for borders. Empirical observation has shown that border stabilisations and destabilisations are multifaceted and are therefore increasingly perceived as complex processes. With this publication project, the 20 authors critically and productively address the concept of “border textures” in order to produce an analysis and reflection instrument likely to strengthen the complex research on borders from all angles.


The working group of UniGR-Center for Border Studies brings together 10 researchers in the field of cultural sciences from the University of Sarre, the University of Luxembourg and the University of Lorraine. This working group has been focusing on border studies since 2015 from a perspective based on cultural sciences, and in this context has developed the border textures approach. It is based on a specific understanding of borders and encompasses different intertwined dimensions offering multiple accesses for analytical approaches.

This approach was already discussed from a theoretical-practical standpoint and was also explored through analysis examples (cf. Weier et al. 2018) . However, the potential of border textures has not been fully tapped yet, which explains why the working group is still working on – and with the help of – this approach. Simultaneously, the working group communicates on border textures with selected cultural science researchers working in the field of border studies. With the BOTEX book project (2019-2020), the working group intensifies its exchanges with researchers working on borders from a cultural science perspective. To do so, it invites a selection of authors to address border textures from a critical and productive viewpoint in their contribution to the publication. The contributions of the invited authors will be published with the contributions of the border textures working group members and grouped in a publication destined to constitute a common laboratory for the subsequent development of the approach.

Border textures are addressed from different angles in the publication project:

  • Conceptual concepts and (new) developments: The invited authors may, in their field of specialisation, continue to develop the theoretical and conceptual approach, as well as cover certain specific aspects in order to develop them productively or link them to similar or complementary approaches in the field of border research.
  • Methodological reflections and problematisation Invited authors may, based on the experience of their own work, raise awareness on methodological issues related to the approach as well as its grey areas.
  • Empirical applications and tests: With a view to perform the application and tests, invited authors may refer to their own analysis example or even draw up example scenarios based on their own work in order to show how border textures can be analysed.

However, the discussion on the approach to border textures constitutes a contribution to achieve a stronger theoretical-practical basis for Cultural Border Studies as well as better visibility of the working scope.



The common discussion on the approach to “border textures” aims to strengthen their profile and offer a contribution to achieve a stronger theoretical-practical basis for Cultural Border Studies.

Key Messages

There has been significant renewed interest for borders as the subject of scientific study in the past decades. In this respect, in addition to societal evolutions, the various turning points in the scientific theories which led to the creation of multiple concepts and approaches for the study of borders played a decisive role. The most important development in recent years is probably “border decentralisation”, a concept which describes a study methodology which does not focus on borders as ontological subjects, but rather on processes which lead to – or are based on – border (de)stabilisations. Here, borders are seen as social productions which border studies aim to collect, analyse (critically) and ultimately understand. In this respect, empirical observation has shown that border (de)stabilisation processes cannot be limited to simple binary codes and linear paths, initiated by a party whose roadmap and identity are well defined, or appearing explicitly in specific locations. Border (de)stabilisations as social products have a more diversified character, which explains why they are increasingly perceived as complex processes and analysed as such, which is reflected in the complexity-oriented approach to these (de)stabilisations from multiple disciplinary angles highlighting the multiplicity of relevant aspects and involved parties as well as their interconnections. The border textures approach is intended to provide an analysis and reflection instrument which can strengthen the direction of complex research on borders and better understand the operating processes and modalities of borders.


Christian Wille (Universität Luxemburg), Astrid Fellner (Universität des Saarlandes), Eva Nossem (Universität des Saarlandes) (Herausgeber des Buchs)


10 authors involved in the UniGR-CBS network from Saarland University, Université de Lorraine and Luxembourg University. 10 authors from Italy, Sweden, Luxemburg, Germany and the United States.

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