Recherche publications
Borders in Perspective Vol. 1: Cross-Border Territorial Development – Challenges and Opportunities
The spatial development of cities and regions is influenced by trends such as climate change, demographic shifts and structural change, which do not stop at administrative boundaries but shape the development of larger territories. Additionally, often functional and thematic interrelations exist across national borders that lead to frequent exchanges and interdependencies of territories and its…
Border studiesEuropean Grouping of Territorial Cooperationcross-border cooperationcross-border spatial developmentspatial planningBorders in Perspective Vol. 5: B/ordering the Anthropocene: Inter- and Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Nature-Culture Relations
In and with this new issue of Borders in Perspective we invite you to engage in productive boundary work and encourage you to critically examine the relationship between nature and culture in the Anthropocene. In the current geological epoch of the Anthropocene, in which humankind is seen as the central driving force for global changes in ecological systems, seemingly secure boundaries between…
AnthropoceneNature and societyborder shiftscritical boundary workdisciplinary bordersWorking Paper Vol. 10: Corona-Zeiten, Corona Räume: Alltägliche Raumkonstruktion vor dem Hintergrund der Eindämmung der Covid-19-Pandemie im Saarland
As a reaction to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, many people all over the world were confronted with a rupture of social and spatial routines. In Germany, the state governments took a leading role trying to contain the further spread of the pandemic by issuing ordinances and regulations. In this context, the way how laws and rules pervade places of everyday life took on another (immediately…
COVID-19RestriktionenSaarlandMachtAlltägliche Raumkonstruktionlegale GeographieBorders in Perspective Vol. 6: Identities and Methodologies of Border Studies: Recent Empirical and Conceptual Approaches
In recent decades, Border Studies have gained importance and have seen a noticeable increase in development. This manifests itself in an increased institutionalization, a differentiation of the areas of research interest and a conceptual reorientation that is interested in examining processes. So far, however, little attention has been paid to questions about (inter)disciplinary self-perception…
Border studiesBoundariesMéthodologiesEthnographic methodsPracticesMigrationPolicy Paper Vol. 2: Handlungsbedarfe für die Raumentwicklung der Großregion aus Sicht der Forschung / Actions requises pour le développement territorial de la Grande Région du point de vue de la recherche
The policy paper 'Action Needs for Spatial Development in the Greater Region from a Research Perspective' summarises key findings of researchers from the UniGR-Center for Border Studies in five areas relevant to the Greater Region (demography and migration, transport, employment and economic development, energy land-scapes, cross-border governance) and formulates options for action for planning…
DémographieMigrationVerkehrBeschäftigung und wirtschaftliche EntwicklungEnergielandschaftenGovernanceTransportWorking Paper Vol. 11: Distribution spatiale de l’emploi et des modes de transport des travailleurs actifs au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg - Analyse des données de l’enquête Luxmobil 2017
Analysing the database of the Luxmobil 2017 survey, this article presents the main outcomes concerning the spatial distributions of employment and modal choices related to commuting of both resident and cross-border workers within the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. This analysis highlights the significant disparities regarding these distributions, the predominant car dependency and the required…
TransportmobilitéLuxembourg Verkehrcross-border commuterstransit-oriented developmentemploi