Mittelstädte als Stabilisatoren ländlich-peripherer Räume

Mittelstädte als Stabilisatoren ländlich-peripherer Räume

Border Region
5 selected examination municipalities: Mid-sized town Ansbach, Bavaria, mid-sized town Freudenstadt, Baden-Württemberg, mid-sized town Fulda, Hesse, mid-sized town Lingen (Ems), Lower Saxony, mid-sized town Plauen, Saxony

Development perspectives of mid-sized towns in rurally-peripheral areas and their regional anchor function for that area type have not seen sufficient attention so far as a research area. The focus is on the relevance of their support function for the surrounding region and their relevance for regional economic development.


Mid-sized towns in rural areas support the spatially balanced and sustainable development as enforced by territorial policy, as well as preservation of area-comprehensive public service in all partial areas. However, the article also shows that mid-sized towns have a wide range of development potentials that require targeted support by instruments of state development, regional and structural policy. In the scope of the debate about future-capable regional development and assurance of infrastructure supply in rural spaces, a number of fields for action becomes evident for rurally-peripheral areas in order to design the challenges of socio-economical structural change processes.

All in all, it therefore can be said that the article makes an important contribution in the scope of the discussion
of design of development and socio-economic structural change in rurally-peripheral regions, and that it has ad direct practical benefit for politics and planning practice.


Socio-economic trends with high spatial relevance form the basis for the future questions of regions and municipalities. At the same time, a sustained urbanisation process and increasingly differentiated and partially strongly divergent development dynamics increase regional imbalances. This development brings up questions about assurance of the leading idea of equivalent living situations.

Mid-sized towns are considered anchors in space, in particular for structurally weak and peripheral regions. At the same time, mid-sized towns in rurally-peripheral regions show an increasing discrepancy concerning their function assignment and the challenges posed to them. On the one hand, they are assigned a stabilising function for their surrounding area and a supporting function for rural development dynamics in addition to their role as regional supply, labour market and economic centres from the point of view of territorial policy. On the other hand, they are increasingly affected by infrastructural pressure to adapt to socio-economic change processes that must be mastered.

The article first deals with examination of the regional stabilisation function of mid-sized towns for rurally-peripheral areas, including analysis of the options and limitations of their preservation under the influence of socio-economic transformation processes and the connected adaptation needs. Based on this, it secondly comprises an analysis to identify factors for success that ensure the stabilisation function of mid-sized towns in rurally-peripheral areas.

Table of contents

I. Introduction
II    Regional development and its stabilisation mechanisms in rurally peripheral areas – design scope of the examination
1.    Requirements of regional structural change to concepts of stabilisation of spaces
2.    The space-related anchor function in regional organisation and regional development
3.    Regional stabilisation as a research object of regional planning and regional organisation - discussion of design approaches
4.    Push- and pull-factors for stabilising rurally-peripheral regions
5.    An intermediate result

III.    Mid-sized towns and their functions in rurally-peripheral areas
1.    Space-typing of rurally peripheral regions
2.    The mid-sized town type in the Federal Republic of Germany – type definition
3.    Spatial and structural classification – mid-sized towns in rurally-peripheral areas
4.    Socio-economic framework conditions and trends for mid-sized towns in rurally-peripheral areas and their relevance for securing their anchor and stabilisation functions
5.    Structural situation of mid-sized towns in cross-regional context of rurally-peripheral areas
6.    Development patterns of socio-economic transformation processes in mid-sized towns of rurally-peripheral regions and their regional environment
7.    Analysis of anchor and stabilisation functions of mid-sized towns in the supra-regional context of rurally-peripheral regions
8.    An intermediate result

IV.    Mid-sized towns as stabilisers of rurally-peripheral areas – examination on selected reference regions
1.    Cluster analysis of the entirety of mid-sized towns of rurally peripheral areas
2.    Selection of the regions under examination
3.    Short profile and structural framework conditions of the spaces under examination
3.1.    Short profile of the mid-sized town of Ansbach in the cross-local context of the district region
3.2.    Short profile of the mid-sized town of Freudenstadt in the cross-local context of the district region Freudenstadt
3.3.    Short profile of the mid-sized town of Fulda in the cross-local context of the district region Fulda
3.4.    Short profile of the mid-sized town of Lingen (Ems) in the cross-local context of the district region Emsland
3.5.    Short profile of the mid-sized town of Plauen in the cross-local context of the district region Vogtlandkreis
4.    Stabilisation of rurally-peripheral areas by mid-sized towns – analysis of the stabilisation function and the anchoring projects in selected mid-sized towns
4.1.    Method of Empirical evaluation and evaluation design of the analysis of examination spaces
4.2.    Evaluation of the anchor function of the reference mid-sized towns
4.3.    Evaluation of an impulse provider function of the reference mid-sized towns
4.4.    Evaluation of the development patterns of mid-sized towns of rurally-peripheral areas and resulting needs for action
4.5.    The anchor and stabilisation function of the examined mid-sized towns by comparison
4.6.    Needs for action, anchor projects and approaches for action towards stabilisation in light of the essential structural areas on town and regional levels
4.7.    Action requirements in light of the regional-planning instruments
4.8.    Needs for action, anchor projects and approaches for action from the area of selected subject policies
5.    An intermediate result

V.    Strategies and approaches for action to secure the stabilisation function of mid-sized towns in the rurally-peripheral areas
1.    Determinants for an anchoring and stabilisation function of (mid-sized) towns
2.    Derivation of approaches for action in handling socio-economical processes of structural change
2.1.    Fields of action and measures in selected structural areas
2.2.    Fields of action and measures concerning the regional-planning instruments
2.3.    Fields of action and measures from the area of selected subject policies
3.    Evaluation of the current and perspective stabilisation function of mid-sized towns in rurally-peripheral areas and their future capacities – a summary
4.    Further research needs



Comparative analysis between socio-economical structural data of the group of mid-sized towns of rurally-peripheral areas illustrates existing heterogeneous structures and development patterns. Nevertheless, mid-sized towns are assigned a general anchoring function for their surrounding region in rurally-peripheral areas where supply, education, settlement structure and residential space, as well as jobs and economy are concerned.

This paper determines a number of factors promoting the anchoring function from analysing five selected factors. Concerning approaches for action that promote stabilisation of spaces, the following determinants are presented in summary:

  • Image formation of the mid-sized town in close connection to its surroundings and over-regional marketing
  • Sustainable and regionally coordinated development planning to pro vice area availabilities for the areas of living and commerce
  • Development planning perspectives for local university or science locations
  • Future-capable alignment of supply structures via innovative approaches to secure regional public services and to use new subject areas as image factor (e.g. digitalisation)
  • Enforcement of specialist securing measures adjusted to the region
  • Targeted and demand-oriented intensifying cooperation between regional actors
  • Stronger connection between ongoing development processes within the region and regional information transfer concerning project backgrounds and results
  • Maintenance and development of regional communities of responsibility, networks and alliances in companies, politics and administration
  • Reduction of regional and municipal subsidy mentality and development of strategies for innovative and project-oriented use of subsidies. The potential of mid-sized towns in rurally-peripheral areas is in their attractive living, environmental
Key Messages

Mid-sized towns in rurally-peripheral areas have different features and characteristics concerning their relevance as an "anchor" in the regions. Nevertheless, factors of success could be identified that can promote, or even ensure, the stabilisation function of mid-sized towns for the region.

Attractive living, environmental and leisure conditions are a special potential of mid-sized towns in rurally-peripheral spaces. These must be strengthened, and most of all marketed with greater emphasis. The mixture of urban structures with a certain supply density, location close to nature, moderate prices for residential space and rents and short paths offer the towns of this size and spatial structure considerably site advantages as compared to conurbations. The development processes of these towns must be aligned with being strengthened and developed further in their quality of life and as innovative economic, educational and supply locations by applying a dedicated and sustainable profile. This requires bundling and activation of the actors of regional and municipal development for a shared strategy, as well as a targeted and demand-oriented subsidy backdrop.



Prof. Dr. Gabi Troeger-Weiß
Apl.-Prof. Hans-Jörg Domhardt


Dipl.-Ing. Elke Ries (project processing)
and experts from regional and municipal development in the five municipalities analysed and the surrounding regions (from the areas of administration, politics, economic promotion and chambers (Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Chamber of Trade)) that were available for expert interviews.

Contact Person(s)
Date of creation

ISSN 1869-3814