Les jumelages de collectivités territoriales – renforcer le sentiment citoyen européen

Les jumelages de collectivités territoriales – renforcer le sentiment citoyen européen

Border Region
France, Germany

This empirical study explains the impact of local authority twinning arrangements on the feeling of belonging to Europe and more generally on the process of European integration, which is currently in difficulty.


The twinning mechanism, which has become very widespread since in Europe since the end of the Second World War, is analysed in this study through its concrete effects on populations and its impact on the sense of belonging to the community of Europeans. The study is based on a questionnaire that was circulated very widely to the local authorities concerned. It provides insights into the spillover effects of the many exchanges that take place as part of twinning schemes and offers some recommendations to reinforce and renew these dynamics.


The book is structured in 5 parts: an introduction recalling the background to the establishment of twinning arrangements and describing the research methodology, an inventory of existing twinning schemes via an analysis of the results of the study, a reminder of the usefulness of twinning, the expected developments and prospects for the future, and finally, the conclusions of the study.

The study is based on questionnaires and interviews with representatives of 1,322 French and German towns (out of a total of 2,281 twinning schemes operating between the two countries). This wide panel demonstrates the great interest in these cross-border relationships and gives the study a considerable amount of credit.

The results discussed concern the distribution of twinned towns, which are mainly concentrated in the border regions, the reasons and motivations behind twinning, the very diverse people who take an active part in these initiatives, the type and variety of the exchanges, the funding, which is mainly provided by the local authorities and the communication media used, in particular to overcome the language barrier.

The study characterises the usefulness of twinning schemes on several levels: at Franco-German level, at the European level and at global level. The impact of twinning is also assessed according to the commitment of the participants from the local authorities. Depending on its scale, this commitment is said to be "interpersonal", "cognitive" or "practical-utilitarian". The impact of twinning is all the greater when it allows for active participation of the population. There is a specific focus on the experience of young people in these exchanges in order to identify the difficulties encountered. This part concludes with some general recommendations for improving the exchange activities organised under twinning schemes.

The study sketches out some recent trends which could increase the quality and intensity of the exchanges. The key lies in particular in facilitating the involvement of the participants by removing the cultural and linguistic obstacles facing them, by offer better hosting infrastructure and by multiplying the positive spin-offs, such as training or job opportunities.


In the local authorities surveyed, twinning was seen as an important and positive mechanism. It allows stable, long-term relations to be established between local authorities in different countries and facilitates a growing number of concrete initiatives and projects.

Among the main positive effects of twinning arrangements: the creation of ties with our European neighbours, acknowledgement of the real effects of belong to Europe, their ability to bring together all the social groups in the population and to create positive associations and strengthen intercultural abilities in the participants involved.

It is possible to intensify these exchanges quite simply by placing the emphasis on: the involvement of a growing number of schools and associations, the motivation of young people, innovation in the way the exchanges are organised, supporting participants and giving value to their commitment.

Key Messages

Twinning arrangements between local authorities are a simple, inexpensive mechanism for cross-border cooperation, which fosters a grass roots of belonging to Europe. It operates via the concrete involvement of the inhabitants of the local authorities in intercultural exchanges programmes and the related activities.

This mechanism is nevertheless conditioned by the means provided to facilitate and foster this active participation by the populations.


Eileen Keller, Céline Diebold


Bertelsmann Stiftung, Institut Franco-Allemand



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