Border studies

Working Paper Vol. 22

working paper 22

Since the mid-2010s at the latest, there has been discussion of the border as a complex phenomenon, aimed at a more comprehensive and differentiated understanding of b/orderings. However, there seems to be an imprecise use of the term ‘complexity’ in the academic debate, and sometimes, still, an everyday understanding of complexity prevails. To sharpen the debate around a border’s complexity, in this comment, in a first step, I show what border scholars currently consider complex and question which analytical and conceptual developments in the wake of the bordering turn have encouraged the increasing talk of complex borders. In the second step, I suggest how border research can be inspired by complexity theories, in focusing on performative interrelations and their emergent dis/orders that become spatially and socially effective.

Working Paper Vol. 20


Despite the increased discourse on the complexity of borders, there are hardly any references in the academic debate as to what exactly complex borders mean or complexity-oriented border research. This paper starts here and discusses the promising relationship between complexity thinking and border research. To this end, it explains what is currently qualified as complex in border research and what understanding of complexity can be found there. The core ideas of complexity thinking are then presented and linked to the ordering and ordered principle of the border. Building on this, border research approaches and methodologies are identified that can be considered enablers of the complexity perspective and, thus, as starting points for complexity-oriented border research.


This Critical Dictionary on Borders, Cross-Border Cooperation and European Integration takes up the challenge to answer these questions. It is the first encyclopedia, which combines two so far not well-interconnected interdisciplinary research fields, i.e. Border Studies and European Studies. Organized in an alphabetical order, it contains 209 articles written by 124 authors from different countries and scientific disciplines, which are accompanied by 66 maps. The articles deal with theory, terminology, concepts, actors, themes and spaces of cross-border cooperation at European borders and in borderlands of and around the European Union (EU).


In the article three dimensions of border of aesthetic are discussed: firstly, the border as a place where aesthetic phenomena develop, secondly, the aesthetic representation of borders and thirdly, concepts of border aesthetics. While these three dimensions are explained and their different constituent elements and developments are traced by means of examples and conceptual discussions, the "special creative potential of representation" (p. 451), that the border offers is explored. At the same time, it cannot be overlooked that the different dimensions of border aesthetics neither follow on from each other in linear fashion, nor contradict each other, but rather they are connected to each other by means of fluid transitions and intersections.


This training was set up in response to the complex issues that the Latin American population faced in this part of the world.  The border region, which includes 6 Mexican states and 4 American states, has specific characteristics in terms of demography and migratory dynamics. This vast territory studied has become a complex ecological, geopolitical and economic unit whose development significantly impacts the United States, Mexico and part of Latin America.


In recent decades, Border Studies have gained importance and have seen a noticeable increase in development.  This manifests itself in an increased institutionalisation, a differentiation of the areas of research interest and a conceptual reorientation that is interested in examining processes.  So far, however, little attention has been paid to questions about (inter-)disciplinary self-perception and the methodological foundations of Border Studies and the associated consequences for research activities.  This thematic issue addresses these desiderata and brings together articles that deal with their (inter-)disciplinary foundations as well as method(olog)ical and practical research questions.  The authors also provide sound insights into a disparate field of work, disclose practical research strategies, and present methodologically sophisticated systematizations.


This article draws on the exchanges at the different sessions organised at the 7th Association for Borderlands Studies World Conference. Each session was devoted to the question of borders in a specific part of the globe: Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and North America. The primary aim of these sessions was to develop a shared approach on these different territories. This article summarises the exchanges that took place and assesses the global approach proposed.


The thematic document highlights various aspects of cross-border spatial development based on the following central themes: spatial planning instruments, promotion of cross-border cooperation, health care, transport infrastructures and services, territorial integration through the combination of transport modes and creation of European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation. The contributions pertain to different cross-border spaces in Europe.


The article covers several themes and concepts that have been important in the development of border studies over the last few years. In doing so, it addresses emerging research perspectives of a nature to bring about a conceptual change in the viewpoint of human geography. Based on the existing literature, the authors emphasise that current work on border is looking at the reasons underlying border production through the daily practices of the populations, and by understanding borders as institutions, processes and symbols all at the same time. Particular attention is paid to the process of reconfiguring state borders in terms of territorial control, security and sovereignty as well as the interrelations between the spheres of daily life, power and the construction of social borders.

Borders in Perspective Vol. 6

UniGR-CBS Borders in Perspective_Vol. 6

In recent decades, Border Studies have gained importance and have seen a noticeable increase in development. This manifests itself in an increased institutionalization, a differentiation of the areas of research interest and a conceptual reorientation that is interested in examining processes. So far, however, little attention has been paid to questions about (inter)disciplinary self-perception and methodological foundations of Border Studies and the associated consequences for research activities. This thematic issue addresses these desiderata and brings together articles that deal with their (inter)disciplinary foundations as well as method(olog)ical and practical research questions. The authors also provide sound insights into a disparate field of work, disclose practical research strategies, and present methodologically sophisticated systematizations.