Grenze und Ästhetik: Repräsentationen von Grenzen in den kulturwissenschaftlichen Border Studies

Grenze und Ästhetik: Repräsentationen von Grenzen in den kulturwissenschaftlichen Border Studies

Border Region
USA, Mexique

The author explains the connection between borders and aesthetics based, first of all, on the idea of the border as a place where aesthetics are produced, secondly on the aesthetic representations of borders and finally on current conceptual and theoretical approaches to border aesthetics.


In the article three dimensions of border of aesthetic are discussed: firstly, the border as a place where aesthetic phenomena develop, secondly, the aesthetic representation of borders and thirdly, concepts of border aesthetics. While these three dimensions are explained and their different constituent elements and developments are traced by means of examples and conceptual discussions, the "special creative potential of representation" (p. 451), that the border offers is explored. At the same time, it cannot be overlooked that the different dimensions of border aesthetics neither follow on from each other in linear fashion, nor contradict each other, but rather they are connected to each other by means of fluid transitions and intersections.


First of all the border is examined as a place of aesthetic production. The author explains first of all that the border in this context must not merely be understood as a boundary, but also as a space (borderlands). In it a dynamic force emerges that makes it possible to produce hybrid forms of aesthetic representations, which arise out of the contact between cultures and critically scrutinise power structures. The element of hybridity produces "defiant energies and creative forces, which have the potential to disrupt, to denaturalise and deconstruct hegemonic formations" (p. 440). What is more, border spaces have, as the author illustrates with the Mexican-Us borderlands, the potential for decolonising approaches.

After that the author explores the theme of aesthetic portrayals and representations of borders. For this she draws on Chicanx literature, which is understood as "dedicated border literature" (p. 444) and "[conceived] as an aesthetic product of the border, a literature that makes the border tangible for readers" (ibid.). Likewise this writing is characterised by border crossings and blendings, by "multilingualism and a multilingual poetics“ and "genre hybridity" (ibid.). Thematically, questions of identity are often centre stage, along with a critical stance with regard to the hegemonic Anglo-American culture. In the field of performance art there is also a focus on getting to grips with the border. In addition to a substantive engagement with the border and borderlands, through performances the latter "themselves become the stage for aesthetic productions. On the one hand, invisible borders in space are rendered tangible and embodied, however at the same time the social conceptions and implications of borders are also debated.“ (p. 448).

Finally the author outlines some conceptualisations of border aesthetics.  In order to be able to grasp the concept of the border in all its complexity as closely as possible, it is possible to take an interdisciplinary approach, which furthermore provides an insight onto border-forming discourses and practices. This gives border poetics an artistic force in the process of literary creation. Resulting concerns on the specific way of reading border poetics concentrate on the question of "with what strategies and narratives  different borders such as national, institution and generic borders are established and overstepped in a literary text" (S. 450). The field of border aesthetics concerns itself, however, predominantly with changes that occur due to a convergence between borders and aesthetics. Finally the concept of border texturing offers the possibility of "exploring various interwoven relationships between aesthetic representations of the border with other discourses and practices" (p. 451).


The "border" is put forward as an important analytical category in social and cultural studies. Borders are considered as part of recent conceptual developments as the "results of complex dynamic processes" (p. 437). This cultural concern also relates to aesthetic representations of the border. The notion of the border, according to the author, is immensely significant for "aesthetics", as the border has a regulative, divisive, delimiting function and its importance can be expressed through aesthetics. "Borders can thus be thought of as a constituting elements for aesthetics, which develops as a dimension of the tangibility of borders" (ibid.).

The different approaches to the analysis of border aesthetics are neither clearly separable from each other nor do they build upon each other in a linear fashion. Rather they are interwoven and intersect with each other and likewise they are interested in the broadest possible conceptual coverage of (the) border(s) and aesthetics.

The author systematises the complexity of the aesthetic possibilities offered by borders on the basis of three dimensions of border aesthetics. This make it possible both to understand the historical development of the border in the context of aesthetics and to contextualise the development of culturally oriented Border Studies. This systematisation and its exemplary application make it possible to apply the approaches developed in the article to a  multitude of local, regional and global border scenarios.

Furthermore, by tracing literary and artistic developments, the author highlights how different artistic forms are contributing to "new subversive ways of thinking the border" (p. 453). Last but not least, via the inclusion of the border in performative artistic acts the border is developing its own poetic potential, which makes it possible to weave artistic and political thinking and action together in order to initiate a critical engagement with border regimes.

Key Messages

Different dimensions of border aesthetics allow for a conceptual expansion and more complex  coverage of the border and aesthetics. The border as the place of culture production and aesthetics; aesthetic depictions of the border; conceptualisation of border aesthetics. The border as the place of difference; innovative aesthetic production, emergence of a border literature. Literary and artistic engagement with the border and borderlands as potential for a critical engagement with the effects of the border. Performance art as a staging of the border. Possibility of linking aesthetic and political thinking and action.


Astrid Fellner

Author of the entry
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Date of creation