Workshop – What is a border?

The Centre Georg Simmel at EHESS Paris (School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences) organised, in conjunction with the UniGR-Center for Border Studies, a workshop at the Moulin d’Andé (Normandy) from 3-5 June 2019. The starting point for the discussions was the concept of the border with its different aspects as well as their operationalisation in research practice.

In different sessions the issues of the normativity and the (im)materiality of borders were discussed and examples from empirical research work were presented. The interdisciplinary profile of the event, attended by cultural scientists, historians, geographers, sociologists and legal experts, proved to be extremely productive, and participants were able to work on common conceptual challenges thanks to historical and present-oriented border-related research.

The workshop was attended by Katrin Becker, Estelle Evrard and Christian Wille (all from the University of Luxembourg) representing the UniGR-Center for Border Studies.


Christian Wille

Department of Geography and Spatial Planning

University of Luxembourg