Nijmegen Centre for Border Research (NCBR)

Nijmegen Centre for Border Research (NCBR)


The Nijmegen Center for Border Research (NCBR) is a research institute based at Radboud University in Nijmegen (NL). Ongoing research deals with boundaries, identities and cross-border cooperation and interaction.


The Nijmegen Center for Border Research (NCBR) is a research institute based at Radboud University in Nijmegen (NL). Ongoing research deals with boundaries, identities and cross-border cooperation and interaction.


The Nijmegen Center for Border Research (NCBR) is a research institute based at Radboud University in Nijmegen (NL). Currently the research is concerned with:

  • globalization, cosmopolitanism and Europeanisation,
  • nationalism and transnationalism, refugees and migration, hos(ti)pitality and citizenship, anti-and post-colonialism,
  • perceptions and representations of borders as well as practices of bordering, ordering and othering,
  • cross-border labor market (im)mobility,
  • borderscapes, euregional and cross-border cooperation and networks

NCBR is affiliated to numerous international border research associations and journals such as the Association of Borderlands Scholars, the Journal of Borderlands Studies (JBS), the African Border Research Network (ABORNE), and Border Regions in Transition.

NCBR (co-)organized several events such as the Cross-border School in Caceres, Spain, in 2017, the Policy Forum: Borders as a Creative Resource in 2016 and the Association of Borderland Studies (ABS), annual conference in the USA in 2014.

On the website of the NCBR, the border portal offers insights into the theoretical, the empirical, and comparative study of (inter)national borders and border regions. A list of relevant literature in the field of border research and links to websites as well as organizations in this field is provided.


Henk van Houtum and Martin van der Velde

Contact Person(s)

Henk van Houtum

Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Date of creation