"La France à toutes les sauces?" La "Stratégie France" de la Sarre dans le contexte européen. "Alles Frankreich oder was ?" Die saarländische Frankreichstrategie im europäischen Kontext

"La France à toutes les sauces?" La "Stratégie France" de la Sarre dans le contexte européen. "Alles Frankreich oder was ?" Die saarländische Frankreichstrategie im europäischen Kontext

Border Region
Sarre, France, Greater Region , Europe

The edited collection deals with various fields of action of the Saarland-French cooperation and discusses the France Strategy published by the Saarland government in 2014 from different points of view.


Saarland’s France Strategy will be discussed in the light of different professional contexts and with the consideration of large regional, national, European and global processes. The contributions are based on a public lecture series in which cross-border realities of life, measures, cooperation and multilingualism in the border region were discussed. The German-French cooperation and the importance of the France Strategy in various fields of action will be discussed, as well as the existing opportunities and challenges, but also possible contributions from academics and society to use the potentials of the border region will be examined from different scientific perspectives.


The articles in this edited collection are based on a public lecture series on the topic "'Alles Frankreich oder was?' (All about France, or what?) The Saarland France Strategy in a European Context – Interdisciplinary Approaches and Critical Perspectives," organized jointly by the France Center at Saarland University, the City of Saarbrücken and the College of Europe CEUS. They are the focus of the French Center’s 2015/16 yearbook.

The four topic areas comprise an introduction of history and politics, in the context of which the France Strategy is embedded. Earlier political positions of Saarland with regard to its French neighbor are addressed as well as the varied role of the border between the two countries.

In the second section, the implementation of the French Strategy is discussed from different scientific and political perspectives, including the educational policy conditions with regard to the question of creating a multilingual area of French-German character in schools and universities, but also the French-German university cooperation, which appears to be in need of more development, but is actually already well established in many areas.

The third thematic section deals with cross-border cooperation in the fields of work and education, health care and media in the Greater Region, i.e. with examples from the Saarland practice of French-German cooperation in various fields of action.

Finally, a critical classification of the intercultural dimension of the France Strategy is carried out, which also addresses existing weaknesses and gaps. It is complemented by an examination of the France Strategy from the perspective of the French-speaking world, which focuses on opportunities for the France strategy as it is situated in a transnational and global context.

Thus, the publication under discussion takes stock and offers a critical discussion of the "Project France Strategy" as it is presented to participants from various fields three years after its publication. The yearbook highlights the critical and independent debate of university members who, on the basis of their academic self-image, analyze and reflect on social processes in dialogue with civil society. Though it is not only the different technical disciplines that provide different points of view. The diverse political, social and content-related aspects resulting from the various fields of action also result in a multi-faceted inventory of the possible opportunities and effects, but also of the obstacles, difficulties and limits that a political program (for society as a whole), such as the France Strategy, faces.


  • ANNEGRET KRAMP-KARRENBAUER: Preface and Introduction
  • HANS-JÜRGEN LÜSEBRINK, CLAUDIA POLZIN-HAUMANN et CHRISTOPH VATTER: All about France, or What?” The Saarland France Strategy

History and Politics

  • HENRIK UNTERWEDDE: The Saarland France Strategy in the Context of Contemporary French-German Relations
  • DIETMAR HÜSER: Saar Politics and French-German History on the Border. Challenges, Margins for Action, ‘France Strategies’ in Times of the League of Nations, Saarland and Early Federal State Times
  • CORINE DEFRANCE et ULRICH PFEIL : Thinking and living the border in Franco-German relations
  • REINER MARCOWITZ : A Look from the Outside: Saarland’s France Strategy from a Lorraine Perspective

Implementation – Perspectives from Academics and Politics

  • CLAUDIA POLZIN-HAUMANN: France Strategy and Education Policy. An Inventory and Perspectives from the Point of View of Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching/Learning Research
  • ROMANA WEIERSHAUSEN: German Studies as a New Way to France: From ‘National Philology’ to an Intercultural Study Practice and its Potential as a Gateway to France and a Bridge to Germany (Abstract)
  • ALBERT RAASCH, WILFRIED SCHMIDT and PETER TISCHER: Towards Multilingualism for Saarland
  • PATRICIA OSTER-STIERLE: The Saarland as Testing Grounds for French-German University Cooperation

The Greater Region – Work and Training, Healthcare, Media

  • WOLFGANG MEYER: Cross-Border Traffic – Perspectives of the Labor and Training Market in the Greater Region
  • INES FUNK: Cross-Border Health Care in the Saarland-Lorraine Border Area: Current Status, Challenges and Potential
  • CHRISTOPH VATTER: Between Marketing and Mindset. On the Role of the Media and Cross-Border Reporting in the Context of the France Strategy

On the International Context – Classification and Outlook

  • HANS-JÜRGEN LÜSEBRINK: DIntercultural Dimensions and Challenges of the France Strategy in the Context of Contemporary French-German Relations (Abstract)
  • SYLVERE MBONDOBARI: Francophone Africa in German-French (Saarland) Relations (Abstract

The Yearbook 2015/16 of the University’s France Center offers an inventory and critical discussion of the French Strategy and reflects on how the document and the processes set in motion three years after its publication present themselves to participants from the most diverse fields of university research and teaching. The contributors come from a variety of disciplines, so that different scientific perspectives on possible opportunities and effects of the France Strategy are examined, which also discuss existing or expected obstacles, difficulties and limits. The manifold political, social and content-related aspects resulting from the various fields of action result in a multi-faceted inventory of the conditions at the institutional levels as well as with regard to the cross-border activities that characterize Saarland.

Political and historical backgrounds of the France Strategy are presented and institutional, in particular, education-policy-framework conditions and measures are discussed. The German-French multilingualism of the Saarlanders, which is the aim of the France Strategy, and the promotion of French in education and everyday life form one of the focal points here. Practical examples from university cooperation and adult education are presented as well as examples from various areas of professional cooperation. These include projects in health care or media coverage as well as cross-border vocational training opportunities. These examples demonstrate the diversity, but also the already-existing competence in very different fields of action. The intercultural dimension of the France Strategy is also critically questioned, especially regarding scarce financial resources and existing gaps that are not (yet) covered by the strategy. At the same time, the articles illustrate the potential of the ambitious future vision of the Saarland France Strategy of a multilingual, French-German region characterized by cultural diversity.

The France Strategy project is considered and reflected on at the regional, cross-border (SaarLorLux) level as well as from the bi-national German-French perspective and from the European perspective, from whose perspective the Greater Region could establish itself as a European model region.

Key Messages

The objectives of the Saarland's France Strategy and the various fields of action of Saarland-French cooperation differ from one perspective to another and are thus differently discussed. This applies in technical terms as well as with regard to geographical aspects of consideration. The contributions span Saarland's internal perspective as well as the external perspective of the France Strategy; Greater Regional, National, European and even global processes are analyzed and reflected on based on the fundamental political document. The different specialist perspectives illuminate the multifaceted vision of a multilingual, French-German border region. Particular attention will be paid to the linguistic aspect, which forms the linguistic and educational core of the state government’s strategy, which is also conceived of as location marketing.


Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, Claudia Polzin-Haumann and Christoph Vatter

Author of the entry

Humboldt-Universität Berlin

htw Saar

Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe

Université de Lorraine

Université Paris1- Panthéon-Sorbonne

Université Omar Bongo (Gabun)

Université de la Sarre.

Contact Person(s)

Sandra Duhem

Akademische Oberrätin und Geschäftsführerin des Frankreichzentrums der Universität des Saarlandes
Universität des Saarlandes, Deutschland
Date of creation
Bielefeld: transcript Verlag

ISBN: 978-3-83-763755-7

E-ISBN: 978-3-83-943755-1