

Border Region
Switzerland, Germany, France, Basel agglomeration

The 3Land project is the Europe's first trinational urban project and its objective is to provide a framework for the coherent development of the banks of the Rhine north of Basel.


The aim of the 3Land project is to redevelop a trinational territory situated to the north of Basel, on both sides of the Rhine. This project has been the subject of two successive cross-border planning agreements between the municipalities concerned in Switzerland, France and Germany. Before these agreements were signed, an urban vision was produced by MVRDV/Cabane/Josepy and completed later by the LIN agency. The project focuses on the densification of a mixed use zone in the heart of the Basel cross-border metropolitan area, the improvement of the living environment and mobility and also economic redevelopment.


The first ambitions on cooperating on a concerted development of these neighbourhoods dates back to 2011 with the 3Land development vision produced by an association, MVRDV/Cabane/Josepy. This initial study was the basis of the first planning agreement drawn up in 2012 between the different border municipalities that are concerned by the project.

This first agreement laid down the main principles of the future project, namely: a new, urban programme that would be denser, mixed purpose and careful to integrate the existing neighbourhoods into the renewal of the zone, a high level of environmental quality required for the buildings and urban features, integration of the built and natural heritage, including the Rhine banks which constitute the main landscape feature structuring the territory, and providing better accessibility through the development of means of transport in and through the neighbourhoods to be redeveloped.

The project was then the subject of a wide communication to local inhabitants, but also to different stakeholders in the urban development field. A travelling exhibition was produced for this purpose. Following this public dialogue, another planning agreement was signed in 2016. This focused on three priority themes: mobility (improved by the construction of 3 new bridges), landscape coherence and the first building plans. Following this last agreement, the first concrete work was begun.

This is an urban development, which is also being supported by investments in infrastructure. The most emblematic is the Three Countries Bridge. But the project will also benefit from the passage of two tram lines and the creation of a so-called X transport network. In the medium term, a trimodal centre will also be created and the port railway station situated within the perimeter will be moved to make room for activities more compatible with the neighbourhood.

On the quality front, the project has been designated "IBA Basel" (an "International Architecture Exhibition"), which means that it is eligible for support with the cross-border procedures.


The project has been enabled and facilitated in particular by a succession of studies and expert consultations that have given it coherence and credibility, and it has been the subject of successive planning agreements between the different cross-border partners.

The second factor in the success of this project has been the mobilisation of substantial investments in infrastructure and transport. On top the efforts in terms of cross-border governance, these investments are the public authorities' second necessary contribution to the project.

Between the two planning agreements (2012 and 2016), a major consultation and communication process was deployed, which notably included a temporary exhibition.  This process generated a keen interest in the project and enabled stakeholders and citizens to be involved.

The perimeter concerned by the project straddles three different national territories. The different future constructions and developments will each be subject to regional regulations.  For this reasons efforts have been made to ensure coherence in the landscaping and urban design. The main link is, of course, the Rhine, the outstanding feature of the territory. The other link between the different parts of this project will be the accessibility provided to the inhabitants, with several Rhine crossings and the continuous development of the river banks.


Weil am Rhein Stadt, Canton de Bâle-Ville, Ville de Huningue, Ville de Saint-Louis

Author of the entry

Canton de Bâle-Ville
Ville de Huningue
Communauté de Communes des Trois Frontières (CC3F)
Département du Haut-Rhin
Ville de Weil am Rhein
Eurodistrict Trinational de Bâle
IBA Basel
Landkreis Lörrach
Saint-Louis Agglomération

Contact Person(s)
Date of creation