Working Papers

The UniGR-CBS Working Paper series publishes the theoretical/conceptual and empirical results of border research, as well as making them accessible to the scientific community. The intention is to make the border studies more visible and to support the exchange between border researchers inside and outside the Greater Region. Please contact for any publication inquiries.



UniGR-CBS Working Paper Vol. 10

Working Paper Vol. 10: Corona-Zeiten, Corona Räume: Alltägliche Raumkonstruktion vor dem Hintergrund der Eindämmung der Covid-19-Pandemie im Saarland

As a reaction to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, many people all over the world were confronted with a rupture of social and spatial routines. In Germany, the state governments took a leading role trying to contain the further spread of the pandemic by issuing ordinances and regulations. In this context, the way how laws and rules pervade places of everyday life…

COVID-19RestriktionenSaarlandMachtAlltägliche Raumkonstruktionlegale Geographie
UniGR-CBS Working Paper Vol. 9

UniGR-CBS Working Paper Vol. 9: « Faire comme là-bas ? » Tentative de transposition en contexte français d’un modèle suisse de logement d’utilité publique

Cross-border regions are often laboratories for the circulation of ideas and practices. This article asks whether, in Greater Geneva region, it is possible to transpose…

Région transfrontalièreGrand Genèvelogement coopératiftransposition de modèlesdifférences contextuelles
UniGR-CBS Working Paper Vol. 8

Working Paper Vol. 8: The pandemic of nationalism and the nationalism of pandemics

In current times, the coronavirus is spreading and taking its toll all over the world. Inspite of having developed into a global pandemic, COVID-19 is…

coronavirusCOVID-19solidaritypandemicsnationalismBordersborder closurenaming practices
UniGR-CBS Working Paper Vol. 7

Working Paper Vol. 7 : Territorial Science Echo: Grenzüberschreitende Governance in der Großregion – Schwerpunkt Raumplanung/ La gouvernance transfrontalière en Grande Région – Focus sur l’aménagement

This Territorial Science Echo highlights essential facets of governance that may prove relevant for the future development of the Greater Region. In particular, it shows how thematic cooperation and conflicts contribute to the establishment of governance structures. The paper deals with the topics of governance in general, participation and housing as well as the external relations of the…

Grande RégionCoopération transfrontalièreGouvernance transfontaliéreParticipationAménagement du territoire transfrontalierGroßregiongrenzüberschreitende KooperationGrenzüberschreitende GovernancePartizipationgrenzüberschreitende Raumentwicklung
Working Paper Vol. 6

Working Paper Vol. 6: Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit als Praxisformation: Perspektiven für eine alternative Kooperationsforschung

The paper presents a practice-sociological approach to the description and analysis of cross-border cooperation. For this purpose, the development of cooperation research, its characteristic orientations as well as the fundamentals of practical theoretical thinking will be outlined. Based on this, the heuristic figure of thought of cross-border practice formation is developed, which breaks…

KooperationsforschungpraxéologieKultursoziologiegrenzüberschreitende KooperationGrenze