Regionaler Raumordnungsplan Region (ROP) Trier

Regionaler Raumordnungsplan Region (ROP) Trier

Border Region
Germany, Territory oft he district-free city of Trier, Eifel district Bitburg-Prüm, district Bernkastel-Wittlich, district Trier-Saarburg, district Vulkaneifel

The Regionale Raumordnungsplan Region Trier (ROP) (regional spatial development plan for the region Trier) gives concrete form to the Landesentwicklungsprogramm Rheinland-Pfalz (LEP IV) (Rhineland-Palatinate Regional Development Program) for the Trier region.


The Regionale Raumordnungsplan Region Trier (ROP) (regional spatial development plan for the region Trier) gives concrete form to the Landesentwicklungsprogramm Rheinland-Pfalz (LEP IV) (Rhineland-Palatinate Regional Development Program) for the Trier region. The ROP Trier 1985, with a partial update in 1995, contains the general planning objectives of the region. A reconfiguration is planned. The design for the reconfiguration originated in the year 2014.


The Trier Region Planning Association (Planungsgemeinschaft = PLG Region Trier) covers an area of almost 5,000 km². It is responsible for the following areas: the area of the kreisfrei (district-free) city of Trier; the area of the Eifelkreis Bitburg-Prüm and the areas of the districts of Bernkastel-Wittlich, Trier-Saarburg and Vulkaneifel. In the following, the Regional Spatial Development Plan Region Trier (ROP) from 1985, with a partial update in 1995, will be briefly presented. In 2014, a draft for the reconfiguration was presented. However, this is still being processed. A draft amendment of the general development principles from 2018 is available.

In the Regional Spatial Development Plan Region Trier 1985, which was partially updated in 1995, the general planning objectives are set out in the beginning. These include, among other things, the development of equal living conditions in a healthy environment. This includes, for example, securing the settlement structure while observing the system of the central locations. In the chapter on the basic objectives, the objectives are given for the following topics: – Reduction of imbalances between sub-areas of the region; – Design of the settlement structure, functions of the municipalities, central locations; – Development of population and jobs; – Connection of spatial units and – Ensuring a healthy and efficient environment, protection of natural resources.

In the draft for the reconfiguration of the ROP from 2014, the Trier region is described as an attractive place to live, work and do business, although it is likely to be affected by demographic change. In the following, in particular the points with cross-border implications from the first two chapters will be addressed. According to population projections by the State Statistical Office, the region currently has 513,000 inhabitants and will lose a total of 10,000 inhabitants by 2030 (a loss of 2%). Significant interregional differences are forecast: – the district of Trier-Saarburg will initially grow until it is affected by a slight population decline in 2050; – the population losses in the district of Vulkaneifel will appear earlier and will be larger. This is followed by a sub-chapter on finances and the situation of public finances. Subsequently, the guiding principles of regional development on the topics of growth and innovation, safeguarding public services, preserving resources and shaping cultural landscapes are listed as key words. The following topics are dealt with: “strengthening of the supra-regionally important cross-border development area Trier-Luxembourg in the Greater Region with the city of Trier as the main economic, work, service, research, development and training location as well as a residential location (cf. LEP IV, Chap. 2.2, G 18 incl. Begründung/Erläuterung)” and the "Co-organisation of a cross-border polycentric metropolitan region (CBPMR; acc. to. resolutions of the Summit of the Greater Region 07.07.2011 and 26.06.2012; see" (p. 9).

Chapter two lists the objectives and principles of spatial planning. The future viability of the region is to be secured by means of the following development goals:

  • Further development of the region as a place for small and medium-sized enterprises by means of regional economic development instruments (e.g. cluster approaches), − Use of the qualifications and capabilities of people from the region (including the consideration of gender mainstreaming),
  • Improvement and expansion of infrastructure (inner and outer regional development),
  • Demand-driven development of the available land supply for settlements,
  • Safeguarding and making economic use of the natural space potential,
  • Developing the use of the renewable energy potential, 
  • Improvement of the coordination and marketing of the cultural and cultural-historical potential,
  • Improvement and intensification of cooperation structures in the public and private sectors.

In a supplement to the draft from 2018, the “Objectives and Principles of Spatial Planning” section explains the establishment of the city of Trier as a regiopolis in a Trier regiopolis region (see also German RegioPole Network) in addition to the objective of developing the supra-regional CBPMR on a regional scale.

With regard to the settlement structure, the central-location concept continues to be regarded as an important instrument. Especially in a region, which is characterized to a large extent by rural sub-regions, this is indispensable as an “organizational principle and location model of public services.” Municipalities with the special function of living are listed. In these municipalities “future settlement development beyond the municipalities’ own needs” is to be concentrated (p. 28). Subsequently, municipalities with the special function of industry, agriculture and leisure/recreation are listed. The last points of this chapter are devoted to infrastructure and financial flows. As far as infrastructure is concerned, the main aim is to improve public transport services to Luxembourg.

Content – Regional Spatial Development Plan Region Trier 1985, with partial update 1995

  • 1. General planning objectives
  • 2. Basic objectives
  • 3. Economic expansion and development of the area
  • 4. Expansion of local infrastructure and urban development
  • 5. Safeguarding and protecting natural resources and areas with special functions
  • 6. Summary of the spatial planning objectives for the central areas
  • Appendix
  • Map index
  • Table index

Content – Regional Spatial Development Plan Region Trier – Draft January 2014 –

  • I. Guiding principles for spatial planning and regional development
    • I.1 Regional planning in the spatial planning system
    • I.2 Task, mission statements and requirements for spatial development plans
    • I.3 Framework conditions for regional planning and development
    • I.4 Guiding principles of regional development for... growth and innovation, safeguarding public services, preserving resources, shaping cultural landscapes
    • I.5 Regional planning design
    • I.6 Regional planning implementation
    • I.7 Basic elements of the regional spatial development plan
  • II. Objectives and principles of spatial development
    • II.1 General principles for the development of the Trier region
    • II.2 Settlement structure
    • II.3 Open space structure
    • II.4 Infrastructure
    • II.5 Spatial effectiveness of financial flows
  • III. Gender check
  • IV. Strategic environmental assessment
  • Appendix
  • List of abbreviations and references
  • Table index
  • Map index
Key Messages
  • The Regionale Raumordnungsplan (ROP) (regional spatial development plan) gives concrete form to the Landesentwicklungsprogramm Rheinland-Pfalz (LEP IV) (Rhineland-Palatinate regional development program) at the regional level.
  • The ROP Trier was created in the year 1985, followed by a partial update in 1995.
  • A reconfiguration is planned. The design for the reconfiguration originated in the year 2014. In 2017, the processing of comments on the draft of the new regional plan (ROPneuE) was continued (see Planungsgemeinschaft Region Trier 2017, p. 8). In a supplement to the draft from 2018, the “Objectives and Principles of Spatial Planning” section explains the establishment of the city of Trier as a regiopolis in a Trier regiopolis region in addition to the objective of developing the supra-regional CBPMR on a regional scale.

Planungsgemeinschaft Region Trier

Date of creation