Association for Borderlands Studies

Association for Borderlands Studies

Border Region

The Association for Borderlands Studies brings together scholars, institutions and experts from various disciplines and regional backgrounds who deal with the subject of “borders.”


The Association for Borderlands Studies brings together scholars, institutions and experts from various disciplines and regional backgrounds in Europe, Africa, Asia, North and South America as contributory members who deal with the topic of “borders.” Joint conferences are organized and a scientific journal (Journal of Borderlands Studies) and a newsletter are published.


The Association for Borderlands Studies (ABS) is an association of scholars, institutions and experts from various disciplines and regional backgrounds who deal with the subject of “borders.” Initially founded by scholars working on the US-Mexican border, ABS now encompasses people from more than 55 countries worldwide. Membership costs vary depending on career status, region (OECD/Non-OECD), duration of membership and type of publication (online/print version).

The Association for Borderlands Studies is headed by a multi-member executive committee, a board of directors and a secretariat, for which institutions can apply.

Once a year, the members of ABS meet for an annual conference in North America in conjunction with the Western Social Science Association (WSSA). Since 2014, bi-national, cross-border “World Conferences” have taken place every 4 years (2014: Joensuu/Finland and St. Petersburg/Russia; 2018: Vienna/Austria and Budapest/Hungary). There are also regional conferences outside North America at irregular intervals (e.g. 2016 in Luxembourg and the Greater Region).

The ABS awards ABS Best Paper Awards and ABS Lifetime Awards for outstanding articles and scholars in the field of border studies. In addition, the ABS publishes the Journal of Borderlands Studies (peer-reviewed, double-blind) online and in a print version four times a year as well as the biannual newsletter "La Frontera" (English/Spanish).


The Association for Borderlands Studies (ABS) is currently regarded as the world's largest association of interdisciplinary border studies scholars.

Key Messages

The Association for Borderlands Studies is a platform meant to scientifically establish border studies and to further promote it through networking.


Executive committee elected by all members. The current president is Associate Prof. Dr. Francisco Lara-Valencia, School of Transborder Studies, Arizona State University.

Author of the entry

Scholars from more than 55 states in Europe, Africa, Asia, North- and Southamerica

Contact Person(s)
Date of creation

ISSN: 0886-5655

E-ISSN: 2159-1229