Memories, Images and History across Borders

The UniGR-Center for Border Studies and its partners in France and Luxembourg are part of the European Capital of Culture 2022. On the occasion of the designation of Esch-sur-Alzette as "European Capital of Culture", the Institut National de l'Audiovisuel, the University of Lorraine and the Direction régionale des affaires culturelles have developed the multifaceted project "Memories, Images and History across Borders".

This project offers a unique experience of cross-border views from 1950 to the present day on the Esch2022 territory. The results can be discovered through the audiovisual archives of the digital fresco "Au fil de l'Alzette... territoires et destinins partagés" and the three discussion workshops. At the end of these public events, a video mapping remixing video sequences from the audiovisual archives of France and Luxembourg will be projected.

The digital fresco « Au fil de l’Alzette… territoires et destins partagés »

The francophone website on the history of the Luxembourg-Lorraine cross-border region contains 150 media clips. They are divided into the areas of culture, everyday life, industry, territory and personalities and are complemented by additional background information. They were written by 41 authors, including researchers from the UniGR-CBS of the University of Lorraine and the University of Luxembourg.

The website: 


The program 

1st workshop – Regard sur un territoire transfrontalier en mouvement (26 mars 2022, Villerupt)

The event, in collaboration with the UniGR-Center for Border Studies, brought together researchers and the general public to discuss the evolution of landscapes and territories, as well as the planning issues that arise from it.

With the participation of Mélina Napoli (Institut national de l’audiovisuel), Pierre Morelli (Université de Lorraine), Grégory Hamez (Université de Lorraine), Christian Wille (University of Luxembourg), Simon Edelblutte (Université de Lorraine), Arnaud Sauer (University of Luxembourg) et Estelle Evrard (University of Luxembourg)

Throwback :



2nd workshop – Patrimoine audiovisuel partagé et conservation / valorisation des archives médiatiques (24 avril 2022, Dudelange)

3rd workshop – Passeurs de frontière (2 octobre 2022, Thil)





Grégory Hamez (Université de Lorraine) 

Christian Wille (University of Luxembourg)