Représentations du transfrontalier

Représentations du transfrontalier

Border Region
Greater Region, PAMINA area, border regions between France and Geneva, France-Spain, Brasil, Africa

Volume bringing together contributions from the symposium "Cross-border Representations" (held September 16 and 17, 2010 at Mulhouse University Institute of Technology, University of Upper Alsace, UHA).


This volume brings together contributions from the symposium "Cross-border Representations" (held September 16 and 17, 2010 at Mulhouse University Institute of Technology, University of Upper Alsace, UHA). It contains analysis of the practices, identities, forms of governance, and policy in cross-border territories such as the Greater Region, the PAMINA area, the border regions between France and Geneva, France and Spain, and other French border territories including Brazil and Africa. With twenty contributions, the book offers insights from politicians, historians, geographers, researchers in the field of information science, sociologists, and linguists.


In the introduction, entitled "Cross-border realities – conceptualized, lived, perceived" [Transfrontalités conçues, vécues, perçues], Angeliki Koukoutsaki-Monnier seeks to demonstrate that "[…] representations certainly reflect reality, but they also 'make' reality, in as far as they constitute human activity" (p. 8). Monnier begins by introducing the contributions which are to follow before confirming, at the end of the introduction, that the 'us - them' dichotomy remains a significant marker of identity, even where the objective of overriding such reference to the border in the construction of identities can be clearly observed at an institutional level.

The first part of the book focusses on "Border regions. Institutions, strategies, and forms of governance" [Espaces-frontières. Institutions, stratégies et gouvernances]. In his contribution, "Cross-border representations and the construction of a border region. Sociological observations of Eastern French borders" [Représentations du transfrontalier et production d’un espace-frontière. Regards sociologiques autour des frontières françaises de l’Est], Philippe Hamman illustrates that representations of commuter movements are diverse, and often contradictory. In a chapter entitled, "Building a 'new' cross-border region. Representations of a political project." [Construire une ‹ nouvelle › région transfrontalière. Représentations d’un projet politique] Estelle Evrard and Tobias Chilla use the example of the construction of the "Cross-border Polycentric Metropolitan Region" (RMPT) to analyze representations of cross-border cooperation. In "INTERREG IIIa France-Spain. Overcoming or relocating the border?" [INTERREG IIIa France-Espagne. Un dépassement ou un déplacement de la frontière?], Xavier Marchand-Tonel explores how a specific cooperation program operates.

In her chapter entitled "A critical reading of the institutionalization of cross-border relations: the challenges of a multiscalar approach. The case of the border between France and Brazil" [Une lecture critique de l’institutionnalisation des relations transfrontalières : les enjeux de l’approche multi-scalaire. Le cas de la frontière entre la France et le Brésil], Madeleine Boudoux d’Hautefeuille considers variations in the nature of cross-border relations and their impact on the formalization of cross-border cooperation. Jean-Luc Deshayes offers an analysis of discourse on social interactions in "Cross-border representations and the social question. Thirty years of reconversion to Longwy" [Représentations du transfrontalier et question sociale. Trente ans de reconversion à Longwy]. In "The map as a system of representation of cross-border identity. The example of the Greater Region" [La carte comme système de représentations d’une identité transfrontalière. L’exemple de la Grande Région], Éric Auburtin compares maps representing the Greater Region with representations of the area as it is experienced by border workers. In "Culture and identity in the Greater Region. Cross-border challenges for cultural policies and representations" [Culture et identité dans la Grande Région. Les actions et représentations culturelles à l’épreuve du transfrontalier] Thomas Perrin asks how cultural action is instrumentalized. In his contribution entitled "Local cross-border media spaces. Minor and major media representations and strategies in the Basque and Catalan cross-border regions" [Des espaces médiatiques transfrontaliers de proximité. Représentations et stratégies médiatiques en modes mineurs et majeurs dans les espaces transfrontaliers basque et catalan] Pascal Ricaud explores the contexts and specific challenges of community radio broadcasts produced in regional languages and public media.

The second part is entitled “Border crossers. Identities, representations, practices" [Le (trans)frontalier. Identités, représentations, pratiques]. In "'I don’t love you anymore'. The role of the border crosser in the construction of Geneva as a cross-border metropolis" [‹ Je t’aime, moi non plus ›. Le frontalier dans la construction d’une métropole genevoise transfrontalière], Jean-Baptiste Delaugerre considers representations of border crossers which may be instrumentalized by populist parties. In his contribution, "Border workers: a typology of lifestyles, representations, and identities in the French-Genevan border region" [Travailleurs frontaliers : une typologie des modes de vie, représentations et identités dans la région franco-genevoise], Claudio Bolzman finds that a variety of identities develop on the basis of representations of the region and specific lifestyles. Bernhard Köppen uses a study on "Factors motivating visits and shopping tourism in Outre Forêt and the Palatinate" [Motivations de visite et tourisme d’achat dans la région d’Outre Forêt et le Palatinat] to show that the discovery of different products is one of the major factors motivating this type of tourism. In "Disciplinary control and representation of the other" [Matrice disciplinaire et représentation de l’autre], Marc Weisser compares a German and French mathematics manual and puts forward the hypothesis that the combination of differences he identifies might lead to improvements in efficiency in teaching. In his contribution entitled "Familiar foreigners. Representations and the status of border workers in Luxembourg" [Étrangers familiers. Représentations et statut des travailleurs frontaliers au Luxembourg], Christian Wille illustrates that the ambivalent nature of representations of border workers might be attributed to (i) the critical role that these workers play in economic development and (ii) re-enforcement of the image in an open and diverse society. In "Luxembourg’s border crossers. Negative representations and response strategies" [Les frontaliers au Luxembourg. Représentations négatives et stratégies de réponse], Julia de Bres and Anne Franziskus highlight the importance of linguistic issues. In "The invention of a Greater Region territory? The public reception and representations of the event 'Citadelles de feu'" [L’invention d’un territoire grand-régional ? Réception de l’évènement et représentations du territoire chez les publics des ‹ Citadelles de feu ›], Cécile Bando and Gaëlle Crenn emphasize the impossibility of integrating a community larger than that encompassed by this event, which was hosted as part of the cross-border cultural event "Luxembourg and the Greater Region, European Capital of Culture 2007" [Luxembourg et Grande Région, capitale européenne de la culture 2007 ]. Bernard Idelson analyzes media representations of the illegal immigration of inhabitants of the Comoros islands to Mayotte in a chapter entitled "Illegal border crossers and media depictions. The case of the kwassa-kwassa of Mayotte (France)" [Transfrontaliers clandestins et récits médiatiques. Le cas des kwassa-kwassa de Mayotte (France)]. In his contribution "The unpopular neighbor: the ideal city and the border in Ancient Greece" [Le voisin mal-aimé : cité idéale et frontière en Grèce classique], Airton Pollini considers representations of the border in Aristotle’s Politics, and Plato’s The Laws.

The collection concludes with suggestions for further investigation. Béatrice Amerein-Soltner, Angeliki Koukoutsaki-Monnier and Marie Louis outline their understanding of the "Exchanges, university cooperations, and opportunities for learning in a cross-border context. Facilities and usage, issues and limits" [Échanges, coopérations universitaires et situations d’apprentissage dans des contextes transfrontaliers. Dispositifs et usage, enjeux et limites]. In his contribution "What time does the train to nowhere leave? Polyphonic crossing in artworks from the border" [À quelle heure le train pour nulle part ? Chemins de traverse polyphoniques autour d’œuvres nées des frontières], Claude Nosal brings together numerous accounts of the border which were produced as part of a festival of film, literature and museum artifacts which "seem to create surprising conditions and pertinent narratives" (p. 273). In "What… clouds. An artistic cross-border project" [Que… nuages. Un projet artistique transfrontalier ], Anne Immelé presents an artistic project which depicts the image of a cloud as an indication of movement and "the brotherly union of citizens over and above their nationality" (p. 285).


  • Angeliki Koukoutsaki-Monnier "Cross-border realities – conceptualized, lived, percieved " [« Transfrontalités conçues, vécues, perçuesv»]
  • Border regions. Institutions, strategies, and forms of governance [Espaces-frontières. Institutions, stratégies et gouvernances]
    • Philippe Hamman "Representations of border crossers and the construction of a border region. Sociological observations of Eastern French borders“ [« Représentations du transfrontalier et production d’un espace-frontière. Regards sociologiques autour des frontières françaises de l’Est »]
    • Estelle Evrard and Tobias Chilla "Building a 'new' cross-border region. Representations of a political project“ [« Construire une ‹nouvelle› région transfrontalière. Représentations d’un projet politique »]
    • Xavier Marchand-Tonel "INTERREG IIIa France-Spain. Overcoming or relocating the border?" [« INTERREG IIIa France-Espagne. Un dépassement ou un déplacement de la frontière ? »]
    • Madeleine Boudoux d’Hautefeuille "A critical reading of the institutionalization of cross-border relations: the challenges of a multiscalar approach. The case of the border between France and Brazil" [« Une lecture critique de l’institutionnalisation des relations transfrontalières : les enjeux de l’approche multi-scalaire. Le cas de la frontière entre la France et le Brésil »]
    • Jean-Luc Deshayes "Cross-border representations and the social question. Thirty years of reconversion to Longwy" [« Représentations du transfrontalier et question sociale. Trente ans de reconversion à Longwy »]
    • Éric Auburtin "The map as a system of representation of cross-border identity. The example of the Greater Region" [« La carte comme système de représentations d’une identité transfrontalière. L’exemple de la Grande Région »]
    • Thomas Perrin "Culture and identity in the Greater Region. Cross-border challenges for cultural policies and representations" [« Culture et identité dans la Grande Région. Les actions et représentations culturelles à l’épreuve du transfrontalier »]
    • Pascal Ricaud "Local cross-border media services. Minor and major media representations and strategies in the Basque and Catalan cross-border regions" [« Des espaces médiatiques transfrontaliers de proximité. Représentations et stratégies médiatiques en modes mineurs et majeurs dans les espaces transfrontaliers basque et catalan »]
  • Border crossers. Identities, representations, practices [Le (trans)frontalier. Identités, représentations, pratiques]
    • Jean-Baptiste Delaugerre "'I don’t love you anymore'. The role of the border in the construction of Geneva as a cross-border metropolis" [« ‹Je t’aime, moi non plus›. Le frontalier dans la construction d’une métropole genevoise transfrontalière »]
    • Claudio Bolzman "Border workers: a typology of lifestyles, representations, and identities in the French-Genevan border region" [« Travailleurs frontaliers : une typologie des modes de vie, représentations et identités dans la région franco-genevoise »]
    • Bernhard Köppen "Factors motivating visits and shopping tourism in Outre Forêt and the Palatinate" [« Motivations de visite et tourisme d’achat dans la région d’Outre Forêt et le Palatinat »]
    • Marc Weisser "Disciplinary control and representation of the other" [« Matrice disciplinaire et représentation de l’autre »]
    • Christian Wille "Familiar foreigners. Representations and the status of border workers in Luxembourg" [« Étrangers familiers. Représentations et statut des travailleurs frontaliers au Luxembourg »]
    • Julia de Bres und Anne Franziskus "Luxembourg’s borders. Negative representations and response strategies" [« Les frontaliers au Luxembourg. Représentations négatives et stratégies de réponse »]
    • Cécile Bando und Gaëlle Crenn "The invention of a Greater Region territory? The public reception and representations of the event 'Citadelles de feu'" [« L’invention d’un territoire grand-régional ? Réception de l’évènement et représentations du territoire chez les publics des ‹Citadelles de feu› »]
    • Bernard Idelson "Illegal border crossers and media depictions. The case of the kwassa-kwassa of Mayotte (France)" [« Transfrontaliers clandestins et récits médiatiques. Le cas des kwassa-kwassa de Mayotte (France) »]
    • Airton Pollini "The unpopular neighbor: the ideal city and the border in Ancient Greece" [« Le voisin mal-aimé : cité idéale et frontière en Grèce classique »]
  • Areas of further investigation [Prolongations]
    • Béatrice Amerein-Soltner, Angeliki Koukoutsaki-Monnier and Marie Louis "Exchanges, university cooperations and opportunities for learning in a cross-border context. Facilities and usage, issues and limits" [« Échanges, coopérations universitaires et situations d’apprentissage dans des contextes transfrontaliers. Dispositifs et usage, enjeux et limites »]
    • Claude Nosal "What time does the train to nowhere leave? Polyphonic crossing in artworks from the border" [« À quelle heure le train pour nulle part ? Chemins de traverse polyphoniques autour d’œuvres nées des frontières »]
    • Anne Immelé "What… clouds. An artistic cross-border project" [« Que… nuages. Un projet artistique transfrontalier »]
  • Abstracts


Key Messages
  • " […] the representations certainly reflect reality, but they also 'make' reality, in as far as they constitute human activity" (p. 8).
  • Cross-border cooperation promotes the development of a collective dynamic, but the borders between various states are far from disappearing.
  • Differences in scale must be taken into account in the study on institutional mechanisms and cross-border cooperation.
  • Representations of commuter movements are diverse and often contradictory. A range of identities develop on the basis of representations of the region and specific lifestyles.
  • Unless cooperation is rooted in the daily life of populations, there are limits to how effectively cultural action can be instrumentalized.

Angeliki Koukoutsaki-Monnier (dir)


Angeliki Koukoutsaki-Monnier

Philippe Hamman

Estelle Evrard

Tobias Chilla

Xavier Marchand-Tonel

Madeleine Boudoux d’Hautefeuille

Jean-Luc Deshayes

Éric Auburtin

Thomas Perrin

Pascal Ricaud

Jean-Baptiste Delaugerre

Claudio Bolzman

Bernhard Köppen

Marc Weisser

Christian Wille

Julia de Bres

Anne Franziskus

Cécile Bando

Gaëlle Crenn

Bernard Idelson

Airton Pollini

Béatrice Amerein-Soltner

Marie Louis

Claude Nosal

Anne Immelé


Contact Person(s)
Date of creation
Presses universitaires de Nancy

ISBN: 978-2-81-430075-0