Review – International Study Day “The return of imperial borders?”
Review – International Study Day “The return of imperial borders?”
Discussing imperial borders and understanding current developments - that was the ambitious aim of twenty historians, geographers and cultural scientists who met at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main from 4 to 6 November.
Numerous case studies of imperial borderizations were discussed, from the Roman Empire to the most recent expansionist efforts in Eastern Europe. Looking at different epochs mirrored by current power shifts revealed similarities and differences, but above all simultaneities and hybrid forms of imperial and national border regimes.
The symposium brought together young and established scholars from Germany, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland and proved to be a suitable format for interdisciplinary exchange. Regardless of the conceptual work that remains to be done, it is worthwhile to continue the joint examination of forms of imperial domination of territory through practices, representations and contestation. According to the international participants, this is all the more urgent in times of geopolitical uncertainty in order to adequately contextualise and discuss current developments.
The multilingual study day was organised by the Institut franco-allemand de sciences historiques et sociales (IFRA-SHS) and the UniGR-Center for Border Studies (UniGR-CBS) with its members the University of Luxembourg and the University of Lorraine. The event strengthened and expanded the IFRA-SHS research focus on "Imperial Spaces" and the UniGR-CBS thematic focus on "Governance - Power - Cooperation".
More information about the study day