Lecture – Language realities in the border zone: policies and practices

Lecture – Language realities in the border zone: policies and practices
The virtual lecture focuses on the tension between language policies and linguistic practices, which is especially noticeable in border zones.
Claudia Polzin-Haumann is Professor of Romance Linguistics and Vice-President for Europe and International Affairs at Saarland University. The language concept "Saarland 2019" was developed under her direction, which is setting the course for multilingualism in Saarland and language learning in schools. Furthermore, Claudia Polzin-Haumann is a member of GRETI, a cross-border multidisciplinary research group in the framework of the UniGR-Center for Border Studies.
Virtual lecture as part of the interregional conference series "Border Realities: Challenges and Perspectives in Uncertain Times" (www.borderrealities.org):
6th July 2020, 4:00-5.30pm
Online (Zoom)
Free admission, lecture in German.
Download program in German
Registration required: here
The virtual lecture is open to the public and is aimed at students, researchers and practitioners involved in cross-border cooperation.
Astrid M. Fellner (Saarland University)
Eva Nossem (Saarland University)
Anett Schmitz (Trier University)
Christian Wille (University of Luxembourg)
Contact: Astrid M. Fellner fellner@mx.uni-saarland.de