Lecture series – Bordertextures

The "Bordertextures" workshop is a series of public lectures organised by the UniGR-Center for Border Studies at the initiative of the UniGR-CBS Bordertextures working group. It is targeted at researchers working on border issues as well as students and takes place at the Universities of Luxembourg and Saarland.

The aim is to gather together theory and methodology-oriented lectures by border researchers, who are working on borders and border areas from a conceptual and cultural science point of view. The lectures therefore are less about presenting the research findings than questioning the theoretical and practical research aspects of scientific cultural research into border-related issues.

Since 2017 academics from Italy, Sweden, Norway, Germany and the USA have accepted invitations to speak at the Bordertextures workshop.

For more information, see the Bordertextures working group pages

Atelier BT

Atelier 2

Atelier BT 3