

Lorraine appears to be subject to continuous outer influences, from the patriotism of 1914 - 18 with its many victims, to the "copy and paste" mode that we see today. Unable to initiate endogenous development, too dependent on outer forces – Lorraine is not even an administrative region today. Lorraine is the victim of "territorialisation" under the neoliberal approach. It has degraded to nothing but a crumbling space, a suburb of Luxembourg and a place where nuclear wastes can be put in final storage. The politicians and elites in Lorraine want to retroactively legitimate and support this exogeneous development..


Border as Method claims that contemporary globalization has not led to the diminution of borders but to their proliferation, linking this proliferation of borders with the intensification of competition within global labor markets. Focusing on border struggles across various geographical scales, and combining theory with a number of case studies drawn from various parts of the world, the authors approach the border not only as a research object but also as an epistemic framework, which enables new perspectives on the practices of border-making and the maintenance of borders as essential tools for the production of labor power as a commodity.