Panel project KWG2020 – B/Ordering Cultures

The 6th annual conference of the Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (KWG) took place from 8-10 October 2020 at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder). The overall theme was "B/ORDERING CULTURES: Everyday Life, Politics, Aesthetics". The conference discussed socio-symbolic, aesthetic-material and political-territorial or borders and orders, as well as the related dynamics.

The UniGR-Center for Border Studies participated in the conference by organising four panel discussions, which examined borders and orders through social, linguistic and aesthetic forms of expression:

B/Orders are (not) everywhere (for everyone): On the multivalent nature of borders
Christian Wille (University of Luxembourg) and Florian Weber (Saarland University)

B/Ordering processes as border textures: Empirical contributions from cultural border research
Christian Wille (University of Luxembourg) and Astrid M. Fellner (Saarland University)

Borders and orders in an elusive Europe
Astrid M. Fellner and Florian Weber (Saarland University)

Border Languaging: Everyday (Pluri-)Linguistic Practices at the Border
Eva Nossem (Saarland University)

The 6th annual KWG conference was organised by the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION (Frankfurt (Oder)) in cooperation with the KWG Section "Cultural Border Studies" set up at the initiative of the UniGR-Center for Border Studies.

Contact for the conference: Maria Klessmann (

Contacts for the UniGR-CBS panels: the respective organisers named above