Workshop « Frontières et spatialités entre réalités et imaginaires »
Workshop « Frontières et spatialités entre réalités et imaginaires »
The Université de Lorraine is organising a research workshop on 2 and 3 June 2022 for young and experienced researchers, entitled "Frontières et spatialités entre réalités et imaginaires / Grenzen und Grenzräumlichkeiten zwischen Realität und Imagination".
This workshop focuses on the spatial dimension of boundaries and border experiences. Increased attention is paid to the interplay between real border topographies and their symbolic construction and production. Border structures at the intersection of geographically and historically precisely locatable places on the one hand and semiotics and narratives on the other are examined, which ascribe particular meaning to border spaces or border crossings. The focus is also on intersections between open-dynamic versus closed spatial structures, contemporary forms of cross-border mobility, and dynamics of regionalization and localization under the conditions of globalization. The contributions will bring together the perspectives of geographers, historians, linguists, cultural scientists and literary scholars.
This event is part of the series of workshops on Border Complexities, supported by the Franco-German University, and whose partners are the University of Luxembourg, the Université de Lorraine (LOTERR, CEGIL and the MSH Lorraine), the École des Hautes Études en Sciences, the Europa-Universität Frankfurt/Oder and the Europa-Universität Flensburg.
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CEGIL - Centre d'Etudes Germaniques Interculturelles de Lorraine