Language – Culture – Identity


This collective publication offers an insight into some of the many and varied social and political practices emerging in the border regions of the Western world as a reaction to the phenomenon of globalisation. It proposes to qualify these practices with the notion of "B/ordering space". One thing they all have in common is that they are processes linked to the existence of borders which manifest on a spatial and territorial level.


This article details a study conducted in an automotive company situated in close proximity to the French-German border in Moselle. The aim of the study was to uncover the role that borders play in the organisation and life of the company. The method adopted was intended to be multidisciplinary from the outset in view of the imbricated nature of the phenomena studied. The preliminary results focus on linguistic practices in the company and what they reveal about the company's relations with its local area and the effects of borders and the obstacles they create for the work and personal experiences of the employees.


The Center for Inter American and Border Studies (CIBS) has established itself as a benchmark in the field of border studies by capitalising on the expertise on its own border territory. As well as often being high-profile, this territory presents some important challenges in terms of governance, demography and migration, as well as access to education and healthcare, employment and economic development. To meet these challenges the centre has developed an interdisciplinary approach specific to the territory studied, and a high level of expertise.


The Border Culture/Border Poetics group is an international research group led by members of the Arctic University of Norway (UIT). They propose a new border aesthetics serving to better grasp the representations of borders in the artistic and academic domains. They focus their activities on the scientific and educational fields.


Writer's residencies are often little-known as places that support cultural intermediation in cross-border regions. This book proposes to define writer's residencies from a scientific perspective, to seek to understand the creative act of writing in relation to the spaces and times of the residency locations and to the different cultural exchanges that are organised there. The publication is an opportunity to map the creative venues in the Greater Region.


The twinning mechanism, which has become very widespread since in Europe since the end of the Second World War, is analysed in this study through its concrete effects on populations and its impact on the sense of belonging to the community of Europeans. The study is based on a questionnaire that was circulated very widely to the local authorities concerned. It provides insights into the spillover effects of the many exchanges that take place as part of twinning schemes and offers some recommendations to reinforce and renew these dynamics.


L’ouvrage pose la question générale de l’existence d’une identité collective propre au territoire transfrontalier du Rhin Supérieur. Trois types de contributions permettent de baliser les réponses à cette question : l’examen d’initiatives institutionnelles qui encouragent la construction de cette identité collective, des analyses d’us et habitus de ce territoire qui témoigne de cette identité chez les acteurs et habitants de cette région et enfin des témoignages issus de régions proches qui confirment le propos général.


The term "border" is characterised by its complexity in connection with its linguistically ambiguous character. The work analyses the concept of the border under a multidisciplinary approach. All eight contributions are based on two approaches: internationalist political science theory on the one hand and social sciences on the other hand. This work has an entirely new, diversified methodical approach. It offers added value for the traditional approaches of political sciences and international relationships regarding the term of "border", in which the multidisciplinary perspective is supported. This approach permits integration of development of this concept and shows that several shared properties exist in spite of the different areas.


These themed dossier looks at the question of local and regional labour markets, whether cross-border or not, through some multidisciplinary quantitative examples concerning the determinants, stakes and impacts of these particular forms of mobility, according to the different units of analysis and/or time periods.

In this way, different comparisons are made on different markets in order to understand how cross-border workers are different to non-cross-border workers (and even migrants) within the different geographical areas of the local and regional labour markets. With the aim of answering these different questions, four articles are selected to try and provide some answers.


There is significant renewed interest for borders. Empirical observation has shown that border stabilisations and destabilisations are multifaceted and are therefore increasingly perceived as complex processes. With this publication project, the 20 authors critically and productively address the concept of “border textures” in order to produce an analysis and reflection instrument likely to strengthen the complex research on borders from all angles.