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Center for Inter-American and Border Studies
The Center for Inter-American and Border Studies (CIBS) focuses its research and training activities on the territory where it is based, the cross-border region around El Paso, Texas.
BordersCultureenvironnementhealthHuman rightsSafetyMigrationtradeBorder Culture/Border Poetics Research Group
Understanding the relationship between territorial borders and the aesthetic works that take them as their subject forms the basis of the work done by the Border Culture/Border Poetics research group.
Aestheticcontemporary artCommunicationReprésentationinterdisciplinarityRésidence d’auteurs, création littéraire et médiations culturelles (1). À la recherche d’une cartographie
This book provides an insight into the relationships that form between the writers who complete residencies in locations in the Greater Region and those places and the cross-border territory.
Writer's residenciescultural intermediationliterary creationLes jumelages de collectivités territoriales – renforcer le sentiment citoyen européen
This empirical study explains the impact of local authority twinning arrangements on the feeling of belonging to Europe and more generally on the process of European integration, which is currently in difficulty.
TwinningCoopérationEuropean identitycitizen participationinterculturalityEntités (trans)frontalières au sein et autour de l’espace du Rhin supérieur
This publication investigates the notion of collective identity in the Upper Rhine cross-border region with the participation of various researchers and specialists in this region.
Collective identitycross-border culturecross-border cultural cooperationcross-border economic cooperationELER-Entwicklungsprogramm Umweltmaßnahmen, Ländliche Entwicklung, Landwirtschaft, Ernährung (EPLR EULLE) Rheinland-Pfalz (Schwerpunkt LEADER)
In Rhineland-Palatinate, the ELER development programme for environmental measures, rural development, agriculture, nutrition (EPLR EULLE) stipulates how the second pillar of the general agricultural policy (GAP) is to be implemented in the Rhineland-Palatinate.
CLLDLeaderELER funding period 2014-2020participative approachLAGQui sont les travailleurs frontaliers de la Grande Région ? Caractéristiques et déterminants de la mobilité professionnelle / Wer sind die Grenzgänger der Großregion? Charakteristiken und Determinanten der beruflichen Mobilität
The goal of this study is providing information on the group of cross-border commuters, in presenting the differences of their situation as compared to a reference group and examination of the characteristics that influence the decision to become a cross-border commuter.
cross-border commuterseconometricspersonal characteristicssize of the companytype of contracttypes of professionComparing Cross-border Metropolitan Integration in Europe: Towards a Functional Typology
A comparative analysis of spatial integration in European cross-border metropolitan regions.
cross-border commutersgross domestic productrésidentspatial integrationCase studiescross-border metropolitan areasDwelling trends in border regions – Towards an inter-urban discourse analysis
This article examines the discursive framing of transnational links between the property markets in the Greater Region.
Marchés immobiliersmobilité résidentiellediscours et espaceméthodes qualitativesperceptionsOpportunities for reinforcing cross-border railway connections: the case of the Liège (Belgium)–Maastricht (the Netherlands) connection
This article covers the case of the cross-border train connection between Liège (Belgium) and Maastricht (the Netherlands), in order to determine how the different situations and visions may cause dissatisfactory train connections.
Cross-border mobilitycross-border cooperationcross-border trafficCross-border regionstrain trafficbarrier effectFrontières : approches multidisciplinaire
This community work resulted from the "Après-midi de recherche" ["Research afternoons"] of the faculty for political sciences. The target is to study the borders by mixing various disciplines. It is based on two perspectives: internationalist political-science theory and social sciences.
FrontièresRelations internationalesSociologyLes travailleurs frontaliers au Luxembourg et en Suisse : Emploi, Quotidien et Perceptions
For the first time, a comparison of the largest European poles of cross-border employment has been performed. This publication refers to employment, everyday life and perception of the cross-border commuters based on twelve scientific contributions from various universities from Switzerland and Luxembourg.
Travail frontalierCross-border labour market bordernationalismSocial inclusionParticipation à la vie économique et sorties de la vie active
This report highlights, using quantified analysis, but without going into the deeper causes, the various changes that Luxembourg has seen in terms of employment over the last few decades. It paints a picture that reveals the scale of the changes that occurred over the period from 1983 to 2000.
Active populationemploymentemployment rate activity ratelabour force withdrawalL’autonomie locale environnementale selon le droit international
On the one hand, State refers to the rights and obligations under international law and on the other hand, there is "local", which refers to the territorial level. The notion of a national state authority refers to government bodies. Finally, local authority is a term that is used to refer to authorities that are opposed to the State; their main source of support is the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities (Madrid, 21 1980). All this leads to framework of cooperation under international law, which is developed in the article.
Lawinternational lawlocal authoritynational/state authority conventionagreementlocal environmental autonomyenvironmentL’institutionnalisation de la coopération transfrontalière entre collectivités locales / Die Institutionalisierung der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit zwischen lokalen Gebietskörperschaften
The article written by a jurist specialising in public law reinforces the organic aspect of institutionalisation of cross-border cooperation between local regional authorities and national authorities. It treats the bodies that are located in border regions and organises this cooperation.
cross-border cooperationlegal relationships between the local regional authorities and authorities agreement on cross-border cooperationlocal merger of the cross-border cooperationEuropean merger of territorial cooperation