Chancellerie de la Sarre : Grande lignes pour une "Stratégie France" pour la Sarre | Staatskanzlei des Saarlandes: Eckpunkte einer Frankreichstrategie für das Saarland

Chancellerie de la Sarre : Grande lignes pour une "Stratégie France" pour la Sarre | Staatskanzlei des Saarlandes: Eckpunkte einer Frankreichstrategie für das Saarland

Border Region

In January 2014, the Saarland state government presented its Major Planks of a France Strategy for the Saarland. At the core of the paper is the creation of a “multilingual space with German-French influence” by 2043. In addition, various areas are covered (administration, economy, public life, etc.).


Saarland sees itself as a bridge between Germany and France. Due to historical developments, there is already a great deal of expertise on France, which is to be expanded further.


The France Strategy is designed as a comprehensive and civil society project. In close cooperation with Lorraine, it pursues an internal strategy (strengthening French competence within the country) and an external and communication strategy (marketing Saarland’s French competence externally, i.e. to France and Germany). Even if French competence is the focal point, the France Strategy is essentially a multilingual strategy.

The France Strategy has so far been complemented by two “Feuille de route” (roadmaps), which list milestones.


The France Strategy (more precisely, The Major Planks of a France Strategy for the Saarland) is a policy document published by Saarland as a follow-up to the so-called Year of France, which celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty. The purpose of this document is to underline the special relationship between Saarland and France (“French competence”). At the same time, the role of the Saarland is defined: “[...] from a French point of view it should become a bridge to Germany and a gateway to France from the German point of view [...]” (p. 11). Although French plays a central role in this document, the France Strategy is essentially a multilingual strategy. The primary goal is the creation of a “multilingual space of German-French influence” (p. 9 et passim). In addition, language competence is combined with other competences: “France competence not only includes corresponding language competences, but also further development of other fields of competence, such as specialist competence, regional competence and intercultural competence” (p. 21). After an inventory, these aspects are worked out programmatically in the document. The arguments are based on two levels: on the one hand within the Saarland (“internal strategy”) and on the other hand externally (both towards Germany and towards France). The “Implementation” chapter identifies concrete measures in various areas to achieve the objectives set, as well as some “operational implementation project examples.” Finally, the interactive character and the broad civil society dimension are again emphasized, and a broad consultation is announced in which numerous participants (e.g. municipalities, chambers of commerce, universities, associations, churches, clubs) are given the opportunity to comment.

  • A. A France Strategy for Saarland
  • B. Inventory
  • C. Saarland 2043: A Multilingual Space with German-French Influence
  • D. The Pillars of the France Strategy: Two Facets of a Country
  • E. The Instruments of the France Strategy
  • F. The Key Points


  • A. France is a Matter for the Boss – Internal Organization
  • B. Implementation of Concrete Measures
  • C. Project Examples of Operational Implementation
  • D. Further Course of Action

Saarland sees itself as a bridge between Germany and France. Due to historical developments, there is already a great deal of expertise on France, which is to be expanded further. In this sense, Saarland sees itself as a model for successful European integration and cohesion. The France competence should be used more specifically as an engine for cross-border economic cooperation, but also in culture, education and research. German trading partners should also come into contact with French trading partners via the Saarland economy.

The language and education issues addressed in the context of the France Strategy are anchored in key documents of European language and education policy. The objectives can only be achieved with the broad participation of civil society and require detailed language and educational policy decisions, which are also linked to financial investments.

Key Messages

The France Strategy is designed as a comprehensive civil society project. It pursues an internal strategy aimed at strengthening the French competence within the country and an external and communication strategy aimed at marketing Saarland’s French competence in the Saarland and its location to the outside world, i.e. to France and Germany.


Saarländische Landesregierung, Staatskanzlei


Saarländische Landesregierung, alle zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteure

Date of creation