Working Paper Vol. 21

Euroscepticisme et effet frontière : Le cas de la région française du Grand Est, lors des élections européennes de 2024

The scientific literature on the Euroscepticism of border populations provides contradictory results. This Working Paper takes a spatial approach, to show that the level of support for the EU among border populations should be surveyed on a local scale, and not on a regional scale. Euroscepticism is estimated on the basis of the vote in the European elections of June 2024, in the case of the French region of Grand Est, which borders on 4 countries. Several characteristics of this vote are analysed and related to the socio-economic profile of the territories, using a quantitative geography approach. The results show that there is a border specificity in attitudes towards the EU, in the sense of disengagement (abstention). They also show the variety of border contexts, and, among social groups, a lesser effect of euroscepticism among blue-collar and white-collar workers close to the border.

Theories – Concepts – Terms
Publication type
Working papers