Nachhaltige Entwicklung


From the outset IBA Basel, the first cross-border IBA (International Architecture Exhibition) set the following goals for itself: to orient the growth and integration of the urban region from a cross-border and long-term perspective, to implement high-quality, significant cross-border projects, and provide concrete added value for the local authorities and sponsors of projects, to improve the effectiveness and visibility of cross-border commitments by using public relations and setting clear priorities, to improve the international renown and reach and the regional anchoring of the trinational urban region, to build an effective IBA organisation.


The Rhineland-Palatinate sustainability strategy was first published in 2001. Since then it has been updated several times. The 2015 version of the Rhineland-Palatinate sustainability strategy brings together all the political strategies and approaches in favour of sustainable development and for the first time sets concrete goals for sustainable development in the state. These serve on the one hand to measure and evaluate the processes involved in moving towards sustainable development, and on the other hand, transparent represent the political will and can therefore contribute to orientation and better traceability for society. As well as presenting the challenges and goals in the different areas relevant to sustainable development, the sustainability strategy also a list of the advances achieved. These can be illustrated with statistical indicators on sustainable development.  Areas where there is a need for action are also made clear in this way in the sustainability strategy.


The Greater Geneva consultation is intended to renew the way territories look to the future taking into account sustainable development issues. This consultation involves the active participation of all the actors in the territory along with experts in territorial development and other related fields. The process has produced 7 concrete, mapped-out proposals for the transition of the cross-border territory of Greater Geneva. The aim of these proposals is to raise awareness among citizens, politicians and other actors of the urgency of the climate change issue and the wide variety of possible ways of responding to it.


This thesis inquires into the implementation of cross-border spatial planning strategies. Based on the study of cases such as Attert (Belgium), Backerich (Luxembourg), Montmédy (France), and Gaume (Belgium), as well as of the Vosges du Nord/Pfälzerwald Transboundary Biosphere Reserve, the author develops a typology of the different phases of the construction of a cross-border territory project.