KWG Section - Cultural Border Studies

At least since the 2000s a progressive differentiation of Border Studies has been observed, which qualifies the strong position of the geospatial sciences in favour of cultural perspectives. Culturally oriented Border Studies critically analyse border areas and in doing so consider borders as the result of complex spatial, temporal, social and cultural processes, which are dynamic and changeable.

It is against this background that the "Cultural Border Studies" Section of the KWG (Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, Society for cultural sciences) was set up at the initiative of the UniGR-Center for Border Studies. Its founder members include academics from Saarland University, the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt(Oder), the University of Duisburg-Essen and the University of Luxembourg.

The Section's objectives are twofold:

  • From a science policy point of view, the Section serves to facilitate networking and the development of culturally oriented border (area) researchers, to increase the visibility of their work as well as to strengthen cultural perspectives in the examination of societal issues.
  • From the scientific point of view, the Section's function is to operate as a laboratory, in which culturally oriented border (area) researchers can discuss theoretical and conceptual developments, put established approaches to the test and develop their own conceptual and analytical toolkit.

For more information, see the Section's webpage