Study Day - Cross-border vocational training

On 11 December 2015 the Employment and Training working group organised a study day at Saarland University for academics and practitioners. The event on cross-border vocational training aimed to take stock of cross-border vocational training initiatives in the Greater Region and to examine some of the challenges involved in their implementation on a practical level. 

In the morning the invited representatives of counselling services and training organisations reported on their experiences and in the afternoon institutional representatives put forward possible solutions for discussion. The study day concluded with a round table discussion between continuing education officials, representatives of the chambers of commerce and industry and academics from the UniGR-CBS0, during which the importance of cross-border vocational training for the economy and labour market in the Greater region was emphasised by all the participants.


Peter Dörrenbächer

Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Europaforschung

Saarland University