12th UniGR-CBS Seminar Border Studies – Emergencies and borders
12th UniGR-CBS Seminar Border Studies – Emergencies and borders
The current times are shaped by a number of different crises, the succession or convergence of which can give rise to a sense of permanence and sustainability. At the same time, the concept of climate emergency has invaded a large part of the social, media and existential landscape.
How does this range of energy and climate emergencies redefine our relationship to time and space, and our capacities for mobilization and creativity as these emergencies arise? To what extent is this relationship helping to shape new forms of subjectivity and collectivity around the concept of agency in the Anthropocene era? What expressions of urgency are taking place in the actions and negotiations undertaken for, against, with - or even by - nature?
The 12th UniGR-CBS Seminar Border Studies will take place at the University of Lorraine (Metz) on November 21-22, 2024.
Emergencies and borders: different perspectives on the “energy-climate” emergency in the Franco-German cultural area
November 21-22, 2024
Université de Lorraine, Metz
Registration is required before November 19, 2024 here
More information here
The seminar is part of the anniversary program of the UniGR-CBS.

CEGIL - Centre d'Etudes Germaniques Interculturelles de Lorraine